All Slides that we got are now at Slides of the IWST Workshop.
If someone has Slides from the "Show us your Project", we collect those, too.
(we just have two right now): Slides:
On the web frontiers with Smalltalk by Janko Mivsek
Gemstone news by Norm Green
Magritte Magic by Nick Ager and Esteban Lorenzano
JWARS - Lessons learned by Donald MacQueen
ChannelStream: The Challenges of Continuously Delivering by Julian Fitzell
Iliad & Jtalk by Nicolas Petton
(this could be because these where Demos? Need to check)
No Slides (Because it was a Demo)
A Guided Tour through Smalltalk/X by Claus Gittinger
Gezira - Fast Graphics in OMeta/Squeak by Bert Freudenberg
Marcus Denker --
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