The slides and the Pharo code (with class comments :-) of my talk at the "Deep Into Smalltalk" Spring School are available at
The provided code covers the last two coding challenges of my talk:
• Simple TCP server implementing a basic Twitter-like server. I show how to use Socket for handling client connections and SocketStream to deal with data exchange with a client.
• Remote Messaging. The idea is to illustrate how to build a middleware similar to Remote Smtalltalk (rST) allowing message sends between objects located in different images. On the client side I show how to build a proxy, that is a place holder for a remote object. The proxy captures received messages and serialize them before sending the resulting bytes through a socket stream connected to the server. On the server side, a dispatcher recreates messages from received bytes and send them to the appropriate local object.
-6th National Conference on
“Control Architecture of Robots”
24-25 may 2011, Grenoble area, France
http://car2011.inrialpes.fr/-19th ESUG International Smalltalk Conference
22-26 August 2011, Edinburgh, UK
http://www.esug.org/Conferences/2011-19èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA’11)
http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/congres/jfsma2011/17-19 Octobre 2011, Valenciennes, France