Slopstones and Smopstones for VW

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Slopstones and Smopstones for VW

Andrea Gammachi
Hi all.
I saw there's a kind of "standarized" benchmarks called smopstones and slopstones, and I was able to found implementations for smalltalk/V and squeak, but after loading the AT Benchmarks and seeing the SystemBenchmarks (and the PDF of course) it isn't very clear for me if contains such benchmarks or they are actually equivalent, can anybody tell me about this? and if they aren't compatible, is there a port of those historical benchmarks?

the URL for what I've called "standarized" benchmarks is:

cheers, andrea

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Slopstones and Smopstones for VW

Andrea Gammachi
Hi all.
I saw there's a kind of "standarized" benchmarks called smopstones and slopstones, and I was able to found implementations for smalltalk/V and squeak, but after loading the AT Benchmarks and seeing the SystemBenchmarks (and the PDF of course) it isn't very clear for me if contains such benchmarks or they are actually equivalent, can anybody tell me about this? and if they aren't compatible, is there a VW port of those historical benchmarks?

the URL for what I've called "standarized" benchmarks is:
<a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">

cheers, andrea