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Usman Bhatti
Two questions on SmallDude for code duplication in Moose:
- What is a multiplication?
- How can I create a multiplication constellation visu (

I have an external tool that calculates duplication information (lines numbers, dupl. classes, code) and I am looking to see if can use dude to visualize this information.


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Re: SmallDude

Tudor Girba-2

On 6 Feb 2012, at 22:24, Usman Bhatti wrote:

> Two questions on SmallDude for code duplication in Moose:
> - What is a multiplication?

A Multiplication represents a text fragment that is copied in multiple places. Duplication represents a clone relationship between two entities. Thus, a Multiplication is a set of Duplications.

> - How can I create a multiplication constellation visu (

You first generate the Multiplications objects using SmallDude:

, and afterwards you trigger the visualization.

> I have an external tool that calculates duplication information (lines numbers, dupl. classes, code) and I am looking to see if can use dude to visualize this information.

This would be more difficult because you would need to reconstruct the Multiplication entities from the Duplication information you have.


> thanx,
> usman
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