Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2015., please forward
" A devroom for the Pharo, Squeak, Amber, GST, Etoilé, Seaside,
Moose Smalltalk projects & Objective Smalltalk and Newspeak as
derived languages. Smalltalk environments offer a very high
development productivity, unmatched by their successors.
Come do some pair programming with us and experience yourself
the advantages of a real OO environment"
The meetup will take place Sunday, February 1, 2015,
room S.H.2214. This room has 100 seats,
a VGA video projector and wireless internet.
Presentations will be video recorded (CC BY).
Proposals on content and format are welcome.
All submissions are made in the Pentabarf event planning tool at submitting your talk in Pentabarf, make sure to select the
'Smalltalk devroom' as the 'Track'.
If you already have an account there, please reuse it.
Any questions, and video volunteers, please mail to
with [FOSDEM] in the subject. I will send out updates on a regular
basis to the lists and anyone stating his interest.
Sessions of 30/60 minutes (-5 min setup), last session a two hour hands-on
introduction to smalltalk. First session or lunch session can
be show-us-your-project, lightning talks.
The desired time slot is meant to help you prevent conflicts with other dev
rooms in which you might have a talk or your travel arrangements.
There are alternative, non smalltalk-specific tracks available:
lightning talk and the main track
Please submit before December 1, 23:00 GMT+1.
Devroom related URLs:
http://www.pharo.org is the Free and Open source Software Developers' European
Meeting, a free and non-commercial two-day weekend event that offers
open source contributors a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate.