Smalltalk Presentation in NYC

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Smalltalk Presentation in NYC

March 6th. NYC Smalltalk Users Group will have a presentation of S8 Smalltalk.
A Smalltalk designed to run on Javascript. If you are in the NYC area, come on by:

For those 2 lazy to click the link, I'm going to give you the abstract here:


The presentation will introduce the debut of S8. S8 is Smalltalk running over javascript execution engines on all major browser flavors.
 Its a generic framework but with initial implementations and objectives for the development of social networking and mobile applications.
 The presentation will discuss examples of this including the targetting of Android devices.

The S8 project is part of a medium/long term plan to find new models of development with Smalltalk. We will start reflecting on the
 major limitations imposed by traditional formulation of Smalltalk, and by concecuences imposed by the lackof experts in VM development.
 The S8 design let us(smalltalkers) exploit new architectures capable to run our systems on top of modern object execution
 engines (javascript engines in this release). It will be shown how we are using the platform to start development of applications for
 web (client & server side), multiple OS and devices (e.g. tablets and phones) migrating frameworks from other smalltalk environments
 and/or interfacing to javascript (and java) frameworks. We will also introduce U8, the first service for social network development using
 Smalltalk, will be made to show a concrete solution using S8 execution frameworks to implement browser based service designed
 to promote evolution of contents from contributors.

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