Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

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Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

Barry Carr-2
Hello All,

Could anyone recommend a Smalltalk tutorial (either a book or on-line) for
someone who has NEVER done any programming at all in their entire
existence. I'm looking for something so basic it assumes the reader has
absolutely no prior knowledge of any programming language whatsoever and
hasn't a clue where to being doing any form of programming.

I would hastily like to add that the tutorial is not for me, despite the
fact that I've asked some pretty dumb questions in this forum in the past!


Barry Carr
Ixian Software Components Ltd

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Re: Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

Bill Schwab-2

> Could anyone recommend a Smalltalk tutorial (either a book or on-line) for
> someone who has NEVER done any programming at all in their entire
> existence. I'm looking for something so basic it assumes the reader has
> absolutely no prior knowledge of any programming language whatsoever and
> hasn't a clue where to being doing any form of programming.

My favorite is still the Digitalk tutorials, up until they start graphics,
at which point it makes sense to send the reader toward dialect-specific
tutorials.  If you can find SmalltalkExpress on the web, the tutorials
should be part of its documentation.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

Barry Carr-2
Cheers Bill. I'll go and find a copy.



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Re: Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

Dominique Dartois-2
Smalltalk Express on the Web :

I hope it helps.
Dominique Dartois

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Re: Smalltalk Tutorial for an Absolute Beginner

Barry Carr-2
Dominique Dartois <[hidden email]> wrote in
news:[hidden email]:

> Smalltalk Express on the Web :
> I hope it helps.
> ----
> Dominique Dartois

Thanks Dominique, I'll grab a copy from here

