We're holding another Smalltalk Users Group on Friday the 20th
with a Camp Smalltalk on Saturday the 21st of October. Andy Bower
will be speaking on Friday along with John Aspinall on ReStore.
I'll be doing something on Exupery at the Camp Smalltalk and Felix
will be working with Smalltalk/X. Other projects are welcolm, please
add them to the list.
Details on the Wiki pages below:
http://www.xpdeveloper.net/xpdwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SmalltalkUK20061020 http://www.xpdeveloper.net/xpdwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SmalltalkUK20061021If you plan to come please RSPV on the either web page at least 2 days
before so we can tell corporate security to let you in the building.
P.S. Please forward this note to anyone or list who may be interested.