> This might sound a strange question, but...
It's a fine question. Below is a strange answer :)
> I've been learning smalltalk for about a year now and want to know if there is
> a method for converting string (text) into binary (for use with an encryption
> routine I want to develop)?
You might not need to bother. When making external calls, Dolphin
automatically passes some objects by address. It generally just works.
Blair has expressed some regret over it because it occaisionally
causes trouble, but IMHO, it helps far more often than it hurts. The
only trouble scenario I recall was a COM component that relayed
pointers; I had to wrap the pointer in an external integer, and pass it
rather than sending the pointer straight through as one would expect to
do. For things like encryption, you will find the calling conventions
quite helpful.
Have a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]