Smalltalk database connection & binding GUI objects to it

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Smalltalk database connection & binding GUI objects to it


Hello there,

I startet to get into smalltalk a few days ago. Compare to other program
languages it seems pretty difficult to find a tutorial which explains such
practical points as database connection or binding datasets to GUI objects.
Anyway, I might not understand the whole concept now and for this I can't
see how to handle it.
Can you push me in the right direction or maybe you've a kind of
documentation which shows such topics in examples?

Thanks a lot for your support.


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Re: Smalltalk database connection & binding GUI objects to it

stephane ducasse-2
Welcome gerald

What is the smalltalk you are using?
If you use pharo there is a pharo-user mailing-list and people can reply to you.
Now on pharo there is binding for openDBX.

On Aug 24, 2010, at 9:24 AM, gerald wrote:

> Hello there,
> I startet to get into smalltalk a few days ago. Compare to other program
> languages it seems pretty difficult to find a tutorial which explains such
> practical points as database connection or binding datasets to GUI objects.
> Anyway, I might not understand the whole concept now and for this I can't
> see how to handle it.
> Can you push me in the right direction or maybe you've a kind of
> documentation which shows such topics in examples?
> Thanks a lot for your support.
> Sincerely,
> gersti
> --
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> Sent from the English mailing list archive at

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Re: Smalltalk database connection & binding GUI objects to it

In reply to this post by gerald
Gersti, this list is to discuss topics related to research works with

Please tell us what Smalltalk dialect are you using (i.e. Pharo,
Squeak, Visual Age, VisualWorks, etc) so we can suggest you a right to
place your answer.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:24 AM, gerald <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I startet to get into smalltalk a few days ago. Compare to other program
> languages it seems pretty difficult to find a tutorial which explains such
> practical points as database connection or binding datasets to GUI objects.
> Anyway, I might not understand the whole concept now and for this I can't
> see how to handle it.
> Can you push me in the right direction or maybe you've a kind of
> documentation which shows such topics in examples?
> Thanks a lot for your support.
> Sincerely,
> gersti
> --
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> Sent from the English mailing list archive at