Smalltalk for small projects only?

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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Niall Ross
Dear Janko,
    (tried to send this to Pharo and squeak mailing lists as well as
well as vwnc and you - got a hiccough;  trying again just to vwnc and you).

The largest Smalltalk project I've experienced was Kapital.  They were
approaching 70 developers in 4 locations in 2005 and IIUC are larger
now.  They use an in-house process based on Envy.  Frequent rebuilding
of images is forced by aging of Envy repositories, properly committed
stuff being copied over.  Thus developers are obliged to use correct
process or lose code.  I described the process briefly in a secondary
talk (not my main one) at ESUG 2004, and Jan Monclair gave more recent
info at ESUG 2008 and ESUG 2009 (see my reports on the ESUG website).  A
developer I knew there had practical experience of a rival's attempt to
replicate their achievement in Java, using comparable resources, that
crashed and burned.

I've worked in two teams of 15 - 20 developers (one on a single site,
one at two sites), each of which were verifiably matching systems
maintained by ~100 developers in rivals.  These were both in the
insurance domain.  In one of these, Envy-based, each developer rebuilt
their image each day - the process took quite a few minutes but was
valuable.  In the other, images were eternal (yes, I do mean that!);  it
would take a long time to describe their process and even longer to
convince readers that, contrary to what I at first thought and what most
of you will think, it was a viable development process.

All the other Smalltalk teams I've worked in, prior to coming to Cincom,
were in single figures and used Store or Envy.  One of them was
verifiably rivalling a sytem of 10s of people in another language.


1) As your Smalltalk project gets large, you will need to put process
and tools in place on top of what Envy, or Store, or, as Dale says,
Monticello and Metacello, give you out-of-the-box at the moment.  (It is
news to me if Java projects of 200 people do not find the same, but I
defer to those with more - which means any - experience of being in a
200-person Java project to correct me if that is not so - or is less so
in some important respect.)

It would be good if Smalltalk projects that find themselves growing into
this area could get a tool/add-on that conveyed existing experience and
solutions instead of having to re-roll their own superstructure on
existing tools.  (In Cincom, we are attempting to use our own
development-process and build-process-improvement work to achieve this.)

2) Combining Kapital experience with the ratio one can justify between
'Smalltalk developers needed to do' and 'Java developers needed to do',
persuades me that there is no limit on the complexity of problem
Smalltalk can attack relative to its rivals.

3) I agree with Dale that making the minumum image smaller is the way to
go.  (Again, we wish to do this in VW;  as always, such efforts progress
slowly in background while we meet immediate requirements.)

               Yours faithfully
                     Niall Ross

vwnc mailing list
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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Janko Mivšek
Dear Niall,

Thanks for comprehensive report, the biggest project reported so far. I
forwarded it to Squeak and Pharo mailing lists.

Has anyone data for other big Smalltalk projects/systems, like OOCL etc?

Best regards

S, Niall Ross piše:

> Dear Janko,
>    (tried to send this to Pharo and squeak mailing lists as well as well
> as vwnc and you - got a hiccough;  trying again just to vwnc and you).
> The largest Smalltalk project I've experienced was Kapital.  They were
> approaching 70 developers in 4 locations in 2005 and IIUC are larger
> now.  They use an in-house process based on Envy.  Frequent rebuilding
> of images is forced by aging of Envy repositories, properly committed
> stuff being copied over.  Thus developers are obliged to use correct
> process or lose code.  I described the process briefly in a secondary
> talk (not my main one) at ESUG 2004, and Jan Monclair gave more recent
> info at ESUG 2008 and ESUG 2009 (see my reports on the ESUG website).  A
> developer I knew there had practical experience of a rival's attempt to
> replicate their achievement in Java, using comparable resources, that
> crashed and burned.
> I've worked in two teams of 15 - 20 developers (one on a single site,
> one at two sites), each of which were verifiably matching systems
> maintained by ~100 developers in rivals.  These were both in the
> insurance domain.  In one of these, Envy-based, each developer rebuilt
> their image each day - the process took quite a few minutes but was
> valuable.  In the other, images were eternal (yes, I do mean that!);  it
> would take a long time to describe their process and even longer to
> convince readers that, contrary to what I at first thought and what most
> of you will think, it was a viable development process.
> All the other Smalltalk teams I've worked in, prior to coming to Cincom,
> were in single figures and used Store or Envy.  One of them was
> verifiably rivalling a sytem of 10s of people in another language.
> Conclusions:
> 1) As your Smalltalk project gets large, you will need to put process
> and tools in place on top of what Envy, or Store, or, as Dale says,
> Monticello and Metacello, give you out-of-the-box at the moment.  (It is
> news to me if Java projects of 200 people do not find the same, but I
> defer to those with more - which means any - experience of being in a
> 200-person Java project to correct me if that is not so - or is less so
> in some important respect.)
> It would be good if Smalltalk projects that find themselves growing into
> this area could get a tool/add-on that conveyed existing experience and
> solutions instead of having to re-roll their own superstructure on
> existing tools.  (In Cincom, we are attempting to use our own
> development-process and build-process-improvement work to achieve this.)
> 2) Combining Kapital experience with the ratio one can justify between
> 'Smalltalk developers needed to do' and 'Java developers needed to do',
> persuades me that there is no limit on the complexity of problem
> Smalltalk can attack relative to its rivals.
> 3) I agree with Dale that making the minumum image smaller is the way to
> go.  (Again, we wish to do this in VW;  as always, such efforts progress
> slowly in background while we meet immediate requirements.)
>               Yours faithfully
>                     Niall Ross

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
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Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?

Peter Hunsberger
In reply to this post by laurent laffont
With all due respect to the experience of everyone here, people really need to give up on this naive belief that Smalltalk development is any more efficient than development in any other language.  The simple fact is that within the Smalltalk community a large portion of the developers have been using the tools for a long time and are very good at using them. Throw them at another environment and they are not as efficient.  However, if you take new developers and throw them at a Smalltalk project it takes longer to get them up to speed than throwing them at a Java project simply because of the fact that Smalltalk is not as ubiquitous. I switched to Java back when IBM dropped Smalltalk, so I've seen both sides of this issue for a long time, so let me related some anecdotal experience:

I'm currently working on a Smalltalk project that has about about 50 man years of effort in it over 10 years.  Prior to this I worked on a Java and XSLt project that had about the same effort over the same period.  Both have web based GUI's with a fair amount of JavaScript and the usual HTML crud and use a relational DB back end (SQL server and Oracle respectively). The Smalltalk project has had a mix of very experienced Smalltalk developers and inexperienced ones.  The Java project was mainly junior and intermediate experience devs. I'd say the overall architecture and design was about equivalent; very different, but equally well done and comprehensive. The projects are very similar in concept and execution.  The Java project had about twice as many function points (some pretty major) implemented and four times as many use cases supported at the point I switched to the Smalltalk project.  For the most part this has little to do with the language itself.  Rather, it is mainly, the supporting infrastructure that one is able to draw on in Java projects and this includes Eclipse, Git, etc.  Open Source projects also played a big part of this, in the Java world one can pull in large chunks of functionality at very low cost (eg. XSLt 2.0 processors and pipelines, Spring, Hadoop, you name it) that are just not quite matched in the Smalltalk world.  You can often get close, but it seems that there is always something missing, if only because the teams supporting the Smalltalk projects are often much smaller and just can't quite keep up with the every changing specs and requirements.

Bottom line, don't kid yourself that there is any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language.  It is faster for experienced devs in small projects, but if you've got to pull a team together from scratch for some medium to large complexity enterprise scale project it is probably not going to fair as well.

Now onto the main question posed here....

I have also worked on a successful 200 man year project (C and C++ in this case), which broke down to a little less than 100 people over a little more than 2 years. This was in the telecom world and involved many main frame billing interfaces and switching equipment interfaces, all very mission critical. In this case about 60% of the team was heads down developers. The rest of it was dedicated testers, tech writers, business analysts, project managers and managers.  Here again the supporting infrastructure played an important role.  Business analysts could write up use cases that got stored in a repository (a proprietary system) that could be used to generate test case stubs and documentation stubs.  The development team tracked progress and bug reports in the same repository and source code version control was tied to the repository. End user documentation was stored in the repository and version controlled. It was simple to know what was going on anywhere in the project and to know where the problems were and what code did what and to see the entire life cycle of any portion of the code base from customer requirement to final deliverable.  I know of no support infrastructure that even comes close in the Smalltalk world and would consider it madness to even consider taking on such a project using Smalltalk.

Peter Hunsberger

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:37 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:
200 developers on a project ? Scaring ..... They should use another technology than Java to go under 50 developers. They will save a lot of money :)


2012/1/28 Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>
Hi guys,

Ralph Johnson in his InfoQ interview made an interesting observation:

2:55 minute: "Smalltalk made an fundamental error ... image ... you can
build something with 4-5 people what 50 people can build in Java, but if
you take 200 people in Java ... it is really designed for small systems
...  "

Are we because of the image really destined for relatively small
projects and small systems (of Java 50 people project size)?

Are we really not able to scale to bigger projects/systems because of that?

Ok, there are few exceptions of course (JPMorgan, OOCL, ..), but still...


Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Jon Paynter-2
In reply to this post by Janko Mivšek
2012/1/31 Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>
Dear Niall,

Thanks for comprehensive report, the biggest project reported so far. I
forwarded it to Squeak and Pharo mailing lists.

Has anyone data for other big Smalltalk projects/systems, like OOCL etc?

OOCL has 2 smalltalk projects
The small one with 2,200 classes and 2 developers

The larger one ranged from 20-50 developers (my guess), and currently has 24,000 classes.  And the last time it was measured (a few years ago) we had around 8million lines of code.

And my own personal $0.02 on productivity:
One place I worked at as a contractor was a java shop.  I was just learning java, so my skills at that time were lousy.  We had a small project to do, and I managed to get 2 weeks of time from the local java expert.  She came highly recommended by everyone, and after watching her work, she was in deed VERY good.  After 2 weeks of struggle, we failed to finish the project.
Afterwards, I sat down and did the project in visualworks ( from scratch)  in 1 day.

Experience matters, but using the right tool for the job is where its at.

vwnc mailing list
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I knew we lost something: (was Smalltalk for small projects only?)

Travis Griggs-4
I don't have anything to add to the original thread, but I'm really enjoying following it. I hope someone can cross post it to the other relevant lists for me, that's kinda the whole point with my post.

Back in '97 when Squeak was in the ascendancy, some of its core team refused to have anything to do with the comp.lang.smalltalk usenet news group.  There were understandable issues with the "one size fits everyone" traffic and spam there. So the squeak mailing list came into being. And then the VWNC mailing list. And the vwdev mailing list. Mailing lists for dolphin. And for VisualAge. GNU/St has its own mailing list. Seaside had enough traffic that they did their own. And I don't even know how many Pharo related lists there are now. I subscribe to the Squeak and Seaside lists, but I admit it's real rare that I pay attention to what's going on there. It's not that I don't want to or don't value the contributors there, it's just that I have a finite amount of time.

Sadly, all of these lists contains fragments of discussions like the original, discussions where I think it really does behoove the whole Smalltalk community to be able to talk about them. But that was lost, and has never been replaced. I miss that.

Travis Griggs
"The project was so plagued by politics and ego that when the engineers requested technical oversight, our manager hired a psychologist instead." -- Ron Avitzur

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Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?

In reply to this post by Peter Hunsberger
Ironically, I worked on a telecom project <in that domain> over a decade ago, with more people involved.  Still in production, too.

On Jan 31, 2012, at 8:54 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:

With all due respect to the experience of everyone here, people really need to give up on this naive belief that Smalltalk development is any more efficient than development in any other language.  The simple fact is that within the Smalltalk community a large portion of the developers have been using the tools for a long time and are very good at using them. Throw them at another environment and they are not as efficient.  However, if you take new developers and throw them at a Smalltalk project it takes longer to get them up to speed than throwing them at a Java project simply because of the fact that Smalltalk is not as ubiquitous. I switched to Java back when IBM dropped Smalltalk, so I've seen both sides of this issue for a long time, so let me related some anecdotal experience:

I'm currently working on a Smalltalk project that has about about 50 man years of effort in it over 10 years.  Prior to this I worked on a Java and XSLt project that had about the same effort over the same period.  Both have web based GUI's with a fair amount of JavaScript and the usual HTML crud and use a relational DB back end (SQL server and Oracle respectively). The Smalltalk project has had a mix of very experienced Smalltalk developers and inexperienced ones.  The Java project was mainly junior and intermediate experience devs. I'd say the overall architecture and design was about equivalent; very different, but equally well done and comprehensive. The projects are very similar in concept and execution.  The Java project had about twice as many function points (some pretty major) implemented and four times as many use cases supported at the point I switched to the Smalltalk project.  For the most part this has little to do with the language itself.  Rather, it is mainly, the supporting infrastructure that one is able to draw on in Java projects and this includes Eclipse, Git, etc.  Open Source projects also played a big part of this, in the Java world one can pull in large chunks of functionality at very low cost (eg. XSLt 2.0 processors and pipelines, Spring, Hadoop, you name it) that are just not quite matched in the Smalltalk world.  You can often get close, but it seems that there is always something missing, if only because the teams supporting the Smalltalk projects are often much smaller and just can't quite keep up with the every changing specs and requirements.

Bottom line, don't kid yourself that there is any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language.  It is faster for experienced devs in small projects, but if you've got to pull a team together from scratch for some medium to large complexity enterprise scale project it is probably not going to fair as well.

Now onto the main question posed here....

I have also worked on a successful 200 man year project (C and C++ in this case), which broke down to a little less than 100 people over a little more than 2 years. This was in the telecom world and involved many main frame billing interfaces and switching equipment interfaces, all very mission critical. In this case about 60% of the team was heads down developers. The rest of it was dedicated testers, tech writers, business analysts, project managers and managers.  Here again the supporting infrastructure played an important role.  Business analysts could write up use cases that got stored in a repository (a proprietary system) that could be used to generate test case stubs and documentation stubs.  The development team tracked progress and bug reports in the same repository and source code version control was tied to the repository. End user documentation was stored in the repository and version controlled. It was simple to know what was going on anywhere in the project and to know where the problems were and what code did what and to see the entire life cycle of any portion of the code base from customer requirement to final deliverable.  I know of no support infrastructure that even comes close in the Smalltalk world and would consider it madness to even consider taking on such a project using Smalltalk.

Peter Hunsberger

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:37 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:
200 developers on a project ? Scaring ..... They should use another technology than Java to go under 50 developers. They will save a lot of money :)


2012/1/28 Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>
Hi guys,

Ralph Johnson in his InfoQ interview made an interesting observation:

2:55 minute: "Smalltalk made an fundamental error ... image ... you can
build something with 4-5 people what 50 people can build in Java, but if
you take 200 people in Java ... it is really designed for small systems
...  "

Are we because of the image really destined for relatively small
projects and small systems (of Java 50 people project size)?

Are we really not able to scale to bigger projects/systems because of that?

Ok, there are few exceptions of course (JPMorgan, OOCL, ..), but still...


Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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Re: I knew we lost something: (was Smalltalk for small projects only?)

Steve Wart-2
In reply to this post by Travis Griggs-4
I don't like the fragmented discussion much either. I don't think cross-posting is the solution, but there are important topics that affect all Smalltalk dialects (e.g. how to make it easier to share code). Maybe we need another social networking tool to help :-)

Anyhow I stopped following these lists a few years ago but now I'm using Smalltalk again so it's good to know what's on people's minds. One of the main reasons I unsubscribed was the huge volume of unhelpful rants, but it's really difficult to quantify what those look like. E-mail filters might replace kill files, but the volume among all these lists is much smaller than it was in c.l.s. in the mid-90s.

If we can keep the discussions from going off the rails for the usual reasons the mailing lists can be a great way to keep up on the latest changes. One important change is how much younger the Smalltalk dev community feels now (or maybe I feel older).

I was really pleased to see that someone has managed to use git as a backend for Monticello. Now all we need is to have something similar for Store and Envy and we can all get moving in the same direction again!


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Travis Griggs <[hidden email]> wrote:
I don't have anything to add to the original thread, but I'm really enjoying following it. I hope someone can cross post it to the other relevant lists for me, that's kinda the whole point with my post.

Back in '97 when Squeak was in the ascendancy, some of its core team refused to have anything to do with the comp.lang.smalltalk usenet news group.  There were understandable issues with the "one size fits everyone" traffic and spam there. So the squeak mailing list came into being. And then the VWNC mailing list. And the vwdev mailing list. Mailing lists for dolphin. And for VisualAge. GNU/St has its own mailing list. Seaside had enough traffic that they did their own. And I don't even know how many Pharo related lists there are now. I subscribe to the Squeak and Seaside lists, but I admit it's real rare that I pay attention to what's going on there. It's not that I don't want to or don't value the contributors there, it's just that I have a finite amount of time.

Sadly, all of these lists contains fragments of discussions like the original, discussions where I think it really does behoove the whole Smalltalk community to be able to talk about them. But that was lost, and has never been replaced. I miss that.

Travis Griggs
"The project was so plagued by politics and ego that when the engineers requested technical oversight, our manager hired a psychologist instead." -- Ron Avitzur

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Re: I knew we lost something: (was Smalltalk for small projects only?)

Bob Nemec
In reply to this post by Travis Griggs-4
I too miss the days of c.l.s. One thing I had tried to do during my time at STIC was to have a Smalltalk 'slash dot' type of site, one where volunteers would post short descriptions with links to interesting threads in the various Smalltalk forums. Kind of what James does on his blog, but in a more organized way. It didn't fly. 

Plant Smalltalk is good for blogs, but I have not found a way to track all of the email lists. 
I simply do not have the time to follow them all, but I'm sure there good juicy bits of conversation out there. 

Personally, I'd like to see all the Smalltalk technical conversations move to Stack Overflow, just to remind the rest of the world that we are still here (kinda like "Horton Hears a Who"). 
If you use the tags well it's an excellent site.

Bob Nemec

From: Travis Griggs <[hidden email]>
To: VWNC NC <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:28:45 PM
Subject: [vwnc] I knew we lost something: (was Smalltalk for small projects only?)

I don't have anything to add to the original thread, but I'm really enjoying following it. I hope someone can cross post it to the other relevant lists for me, that's kinda the whole point with my post.

Back in '97 when Squeak was in the ascendancy, some of its core team refused to have anything to do with the comp.lang.smalltalk usenet news group.  There were understandable issues with the "one size fits everyone" traffic and spam there. So the squeak mailing list came into being. And then the VWNC mailing list. And the vwdev mailing list. Mailing lists for dolphin. And for VisualAge. GNU/St has its own mailing list. Seaside had enough traffic that they did their own. And I don't even know how many Pharo related lists there are now. I subscribe to the Squeak and Seaside lists, but I admit it's real rare that I pay attention to what's going on there. It's not that I don't want to or don't value the contributors there, it's just that I have a finite amount of time.

Sadly, all of these lists contains fragments of discussions like the original, discussions where I think it really does behoove the whole Smalltalk community to be able to talk about them. But that was lost, and has never been replaced. I miss that.

Travis Griggs
"The project was so plagued by politics and ego that when the engineers requested technical oversight, our manager hired a psychologist instead." -- Ron Avitzur

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Bob Nemec
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Re: I knew we lost something: (was Smalltalk for small projects only?)

stephane ducasse-2
In reply to this post by Steve Wart-2

> If we can keep the discussions from going off the rails for the usual reasons the mailing lists can be a great way to keep up on the latest changes. One important change is how much younger the Smalltalk dev community feels now (or maybe I feel older).

We spent actively the last 10 years producing books, teaching squeak/pharo, producing videos, making sure students can stay in the community by attending ESUG,
supporting summer projects, building networks with teachers + seaside.

Now there is a clear lack of movement in the US/Canada. The CS teachers moved to Java and we see it.
ESUG is pushing pushing pushing.
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Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?

Paul Baumann
In reply to this post by jarober

Peter's point that "that there is [not] any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language" is true by the criteria that he defined to judged it.


It is funny to see "Smalltalk efficiency" is being framed by a standard of high resource requirements, and that Java having twice as many function points and four times as many cases for equivalent architecture and design was somehow a less relevant measure. One might observe that having such a wide variety of similar tools for a language like Java can indicate a limitation of reuse and extension. Smalltalk syntax is less restrictive in how a framework can be reused and extended; that is a better criteria to judge efficiency of the language.


"Smalltalk" is syntax and a basic class library; it is not defined by the availability of a vendor features. IBM failures are more relevant than a Smalltalk failure. Large IBM projects of that era failed from Analysis Paralysis. A common goal was compliance with the latest buzz that IBM sold. There were a multitude of management styles in vogue at that time and all could be characterized as top-down management.  The "60% heads down developers" were given static designs that had a high and continuous cycle of costs as theory met reality. Large amounts of dumb and redundant code would be generated early. Code inertia and resistance to change would preclude opportunity that is discovered later (like the ability to eliminate thousands of classes with a single reusable type). The result is as predictable as any top-down management style. All design problems were prevented from being fixed until they caused serious and recognizable problems. The management styles of the time promised theoretical efficiencies of scale that had been determined from earlier failures with less malleable languages than Smalltalk. Effectiveness of these feudalistic management styles had yet to be recognized as Dark Ages in the context of software development. Smalltalk does well when individual developers are given opportunity and responsibility, and to the extent that implementation is not restricted. Success with Smalltalk is about rewarding independent action that furthers an objective goal. Management of a Smalltalk project is about providing healthy incentives while minimizing barriers to change. Top-down management (sold by IBM) was more to blame than "Smalltalk".


Smalltalk is successfully used for large mission-critical projects that affect global markets. It doesn't take even a dozen Smalltalk developers to do that. Smalltalk can be more efficient than other languages when a compatible management style is used. Smalltalk struggled through the Dark Ages of project management while more popular languages were developed outside of those conditions. Smalltalk is a victim of timing, management, and vision. The more popular languages provide opportunity of market more so than opportunity of syntax. Languages have evolved to be increasingly more malleable like Smalltalk; that is recognition of an advantage that Smalltalk has always had rather than proof that Smalltalk never was more efficient.


Some people value opportunity of syntax that Smalltalk offers and have the vision to leverage that to a competitive advantage. Other people recognize that the availability of resources and frameworks can also be leveraged as an advantage over Smalltalk. It is possible to find success or failure either way.


Paul Baumann




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of James Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 14:10
Subject: Re: [vwnc] [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?


Ironically, I worked on a telecom project <in that domain> over a decade ago, with more people involved.  Still in production, too.



On Jan 31, 2012, at 8:54 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:

With all due respect to the experience of everyone here, people really need to give up on this naive belief that Smalltalk development is any more efficient than development in any other language.  The simple fact is that within the Smalltalk community a large portion of the developers have been using the tools for a long time and are very good at using them. Throw them at another environment and they are not as efficient.  However, if you take new developers and throw them at a Smalltalk project it takes longer to get them up to speed than throwing them at a Java project simply because of the fact that Smalltalk is not as ubiquitous. I switched to Java back when IBM dropped Smalltalk, so I've seen both sides of this issue for a long time, so let me related some anecdotal experience:


I'm currently working on a Smalltalk project that has about about 50 man years of effort in it over 10 years.  Prior to this I worked on a Java and XSLt project that had about the same effort over the same period.  Both have web based GUI's with a fair amount of JavaScript and the usual HTML crud and use a relational DB back end (SQL server and Oracle respectively). The Smalltalk project has had a mix of very experienced Smalltalk developers and inexperienced ones.  The Java project was mainly junior and intermediate experience devs. I'd say the overall architecture and design was about equivalent; very different, but equally well done and comprehensive. The projects are very similar in concept and execution.  The Java project had about twice as many function points (some pretty major) implemented and four times as many use cases supported at the point I switched to the Smalltalk project.  For the most part this has little to do with the language itself.  Rather, it is mainly, the supporting infrastructure that one is able to draw on in Java projects and this includes Eclipse, Git, etc.  Open Source projects also played a big part of this, in the Java world one can pull in large chunks of functionality at very low cost (eg. XSLt 2.0 processors and pipelines, Spring, Hadoop, you name it) that are just not quite matched in the Smalltalk world.  You can often get close, but it seems that there is always something missing, if only because the teams supporting the Smalltalk projects are often much smaller and just can't quite keep up with the every changing specs and requirements.


Bottom line, don't kid yourself that there is any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language.  It is faster for experienced devs in small projects, but if you've got to pull a team together from scratch for some medium to large complexity enterprise scale project it is probably not going to fair as well.


Now onto the main question posed here....


I have also worked on a successful 200 man year project (C and C++ in this case), which broke down to a little less than 100 people over a little more than 2 years. This was in the telecom world and involved many main frame billing interfaces and switching equipment interfaces, all very mission critical. In this case about 60% of the team was heads down developers. The rest of it was dedicated testers, tech writers, business analysts, project managers and managers.  Here again the supporting infrastructure played an important role.  Business analysts could write up use cases that got stored in a repository (a proprietary system) that could be used to generate test case stubs and documentation stubs.  The development team tracked progress and bug reports in the same repository and source code version control was tied to the repository. End user documentation was stored in the repository and version controlled. It was simple to know what was going on anywhere in the project and to know where the problems were and what code did what and to see the entire life cycle of any portion of the code base from customer requirement to final deliverable.  I know of no support infrastructure that even comes close in the Smalltalk world and would consider it madness to even consider taking on such a project using Smalltalk.

Peter Hunsberger

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:37 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:

200 developers on a project ? Scaring ..... They should use another technology than Java to go under 50 developers. They will save a lot of money :)




2012/1/28 Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>

Hi guys,

Ralph Johnson in his InfoQ interview made an interesting observation:

2:55 minute: "Smalltalk made an fundamental error ... image ... you can
build something with 4-5 people what 50 people can build in Java, but if
you take 200 people in Java ... it is really designed for small systems
...  "

Are we because of the image really destined for relatively small
projects and small systems (of Java 50 people project size)?

Are we really not able to scale to bigger projects/systems because of that?

Ok, there are few exceptions of course (JPMorgan, OOCL, ..), but still...


Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server


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James Robertson




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Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?

Nowak, Helge

Agile and Smalltalk go together well


Von: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Paul Baumann
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012 17:54
An: James Robertson; VWNC NC
Betreff: Re: [vwnc] [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?


Peter's point that "that there is [not] any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language" is true by the criteria that he defined to judged it.


It is funny to see "Smalltalk efficiency" is being framed by a standard of high resource requirements, and that Java having twice as many function points and four times as many cases for equivalent architecture and design was somehow a less relevant measure. One might observe that having such a wide variety of similar tools for a language like Java can indicate a limitation of reuse and extension. Smalltalk syntax is less restrictive in how a framework can be reused and extended; that is a better criteria to judge efficiency of the language.


"Smalltalk" is syntax and a basic class library; it is not defined by the availability of a vendor features. IBM failures are more relevant than a Smalltalk failure. Large IBM projects of that era failed from Analysis Paralysis. A common goal was compliance with the latest buzz that IBM sold. There were a multitude of management styles in vogue at that time and all could be characterized as top-down management.  The "60% heads down developers" were given static designs that had a high and continuous cycle of costs as theory met reality. Large amounts of dumb and redundant code would be generated early. Code inertia and resistance to change would preclude opportunity that is discovered later (like the ability to eliminate thousands of classes with a single reusable type). The result is as predictable as any top-down management style. All design problems were prevented from being fixed until they caused serious and recognizable problems. The management styles of the time promised theoretical efficiencies of scale that had been determined from earlier failures with less malleable languages than Smalltalk. Effectiveness of these feudalistic management styles had yet to be recognized as Dark Ages in the context of software development. Smalltalk does well when individual developers are given opportunity and responsibility, and to the extent that implementation is not restricted. Success with Smalltalk is about rewarding independent action that furthers an objective goal. Management of a Smalltalk project is about providing healthy incentives while minimizing barriers to change. Top-down management (sold by IBM) was more to blame than "Smalltalk".


Smalltalk is successfully used for large mission-critical projects that affect global markets. It doesn't take even a dozen Smalltalk developers to do that. Smalltalk can be more efficient than other languages when a compatible management style is used. Smalltalk struggled through the Dark Ages of project management while more popular languages were developed outside of those conditions. Smalltalk is a victim of timing, management, and vision. The more popular languages provide opportunity of market more so than opportunity of syntax. Languages have evolved to be increasingly more malleable like Smalltalk; that is recognition of an advantage that Smalltalk has always had rather than proof that Smalltalk never was more efficient.


Some people value opportunity of syntax that Smalltalk offers and have the vision to leverage that to a competitive advantage. Other people recognize that the availability of resources and frameworks can also be leveraged as an advantage over Smalltalk. It is possible to find success or failure either way.


Paul Baumann




From: [hidden email] [hidden email] On Behalf Of James Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 14:10
Subject: Re: [vwnc] [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?


Ironically, I worked on a telecom project <in that domain> over a decade ago, with more people involved.  Still in production, too.



On Jan 31, 2012, at 8:54 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:


With all due respect to the experience of everyone here, people really need to give up on this naive belief that Smalltalk development is any more efficient than development in any other language.  The simple fact is that within the Smalltalk community a large portion of the developers have been using the tools for a long time and are very good at using them. Throw them at another environment and they are not as efficient.  However, if you take new developers and throw them at a Smalltalk project it takes longer to get them up to speed than throwing them at a Java project simply because of the fact that Smalltalk is not as ubiquitous. I switched to Java back when IBM dropped Smalltalk, so I've seen both sides of this issue for a long time, so let me related some anecdotal experience:


I'm currently working on a Smalltalk project that has about about 50 man years of effort in it over 10 years.  Prior to this I worked on a Java and XSLt project that had about the same effort over the same period.  Both have web based GUI's with a fair amount of JavaScript and the usual HTML crud and use a relational DB back end (SQL server and Oracle respectively). The Smalltalk project has had a mix of very experienced Smalltalk developers and inexperienced ones.  The Java project was mainly junior and intermediate experience devs. I'd say the overall architecture and design was about equivalent; very different, but equally well done and comprehensive. The projects are very similar in concept and execution.  The Java project had about twice as many function points (some pretty major) implemented and four times as many use cases supported at the point I switched to the Smalltalk project.  For the most part this has little to do with the language itself.  Rather, it is mainly, the supporting infrastructure that one is able to draw on in Java projects and this includes Eclipse, Git, etc.  Open Source projects also played a big part of this, in the Java world one can pull in large chunks of functionality at very low cost (eg. XSLt 2.0 processors and pipelines, Spring, Hadoop, you name it) that are just not quite matched in the Smalltalk world.  You can often get close, but it seems that there is always something missing, if only because the teams supporting the Smalltalk projects are often much smaller and just can't quite keep up with the every changing specs and requirements.


Bottom line, don't kid yourself that there is any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language.  It is faster for experienced devs in small projects, but if you've got to pull a team together from scratch for some medium to large complexity enterprise scale project it is probably not going to fair as well.


Now onto the main question posed here....


I have also worked on a successful 200 man year project (C and C++ in this case), which broke down to a little less than 100 people over a little more than 2 years. This was in the telecom world and involved many main frame billing interfaces and switching equipment interfaces, all very mission critical. In this case about 60% of the team was heads down developers. The rest of it was dedicated testers, tech writers, business analysts, project managers and managers.  Here again the supporting infrastructure played an important role.  Business analysts could write up use cases that got stored in a repository (a proprietary system) that could be used to generate test case stubs and documentation stubs.  The development team tracked progress and bug reports in the same repository and source code version control was tied to the repository. End user documentation was stored in the repository and version controlled. It was simple to know what was going on anywhere in the project and to know where the problems were and what code did what and to see the entire life cycle of any portion of the code base from customer requirement to final deliverable.  I know of no support infrastructure that even comes close in the Smalltalk world and would consider it madness to even consider taking on such a project using Smalltalk.

Peter Hunsberger

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:37 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:

200 developers on a project ? Scaring ..... They should use another technology than Java to go under 50 developers. They will save a lot of money :)




2012/1/28 Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>

Hi guys,

Ralph Johnson in his InfoQ interview made an interesting observation:

2:55 minute: "Smalltalk made an fundamental error ... image ... you can
build something with 4-5 people what 50 people can build in Java, but if
you take 200 people in Java ... it is really designed for small systems
...  "

Are we because of the image really destined for relatively small
projects and small systems (of Java 50 people project size)?

Are we really not able to scale to bigger projects/systems because of that?

Ok, there are few exceptions of course (JPMorgan, OOCL, ..), but still...


Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server


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Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for small projects only?

Alan Knight-2
In reply to this post by Peter Hunsberger
I don't think it is a naive belief. There are actually differences between languages, and they do matter in the success of projects. I think the widespread disdain for Java in the development world at large is partly a recognition of this.

This is just a bit of apocryphal and vaguely-remembered evidence, but I remember a discussion at a conference a few years back, and I think the participants were Alistair Cockburn and Martin Fowler. They were talking about "Design Starts" and successful completions of projects and the ratio between them as a metric. And were talking about various factors, but mentioned that in Smalltalk, though the number of starts was always low, the ratio of design starts to completions had been extraordinarily high.

Equally apocryphal, I'm fond of saying that we have some large customers who are in the process of converting their applications from Smalltalk to another technology. Some of them have been doing so for many, many years.

[hidden email]
31 January, 2012 8:54 AM

With all due respect to the experience of everyone here, people really need to give up on this naive belief that Smalltalk development is any more efficient than development in any other language.  The simple fact is that within the Smalltalk community a large portion of the developers have been using the tools for a long time and are very good at using them. Throw them at another environment and they are not as efficient.  However, if you take new developers and throw them at a Smalltalk project it takes longer to get them up to speed than throwing them at a Java project simply because of the fact that Smalltalk is not as ubiquitous. I switched to Java back when IBM dropped Smalltalk, so I've seen both sides of this issue for a long time, so let me related some anecdotal experience:

I'm currently working on a Smalltalk project that has about about 50 man years of effort in it over 10 years.  Prior to this I worked on a Java and XSLt project that had about the same effort over the same period.  Both have web based GUI's with a fair amount of JavaScript and the usual HTML crud and use a relational DB back end (SQL server and Oracle respectively). The Smalltalk project has had a mix of very experienced Smalltalk developers and inexperienced ones.  The Java project was mainly junior and intermediate experience devs. I'd say the overall architecture and design was about equivalent; very different, but equally well done and comprehensive. The projects are very similar in concept and execution.  The Java project had about twice as many function points (some pretty major) implemented and four times as many use cases supported at the point I switched to the Smalltalk project.  For the most part this has little to do with the language itself.  Rather, it is mainly, the supporting infrastructure that one is able to draw on in Java projects and this includes Eclipse, Git, etc.  Open Source projects also played a big part of this, in the Java world one can pull in large chunks of functionality at very low cost (eg. XSLt 2.0 processors and pipelines, Spring, Hadoop, you name it) that are just not quite matched in the Smalltalk world.  You can often get close, but it seems that there is always something missing, if only because the teams supporting the Smalltalk projects are often much smaller and just can't quite keep up with the every changing specs and requirements.

Bottom line, don't kid yourself that there is any inherent advantage in using Smalltalk development over any other language.  It is faster for experienced devs in small projects, but if you've got to pull a team together from scratch for some medium to large complexity enterprise scale project it is probably not going to fair as well.

Now onto the main question posed here....

I have also worked on a successful 200 man year project (C and C++ in this case), which broke down to a little less than 100 people over a little more than 2 years. This was in the telecom world and involved many main frame billing interfaces and switching equipment interfaces, all very mission critical. In this case about 60% of the team was heads down developers. The rest of it was dedicated testers, tech writers, business analysts, project managers and managers.  Here again the supporting infrastructure played an important role.  Business analysts could write up use cases that got stored in a repository (a proprietary system) that could be used to generate test case stubs and documentation stubs.  The development team tracked progress and bug reports in the same repository and source code version control was tied to the repository. End user documentation was stored in the repository and version controlled. It was simple to know what was going on anywhere in the project and to know where the problems were and what code did what and to see the entire life cycle of any portion of the code base from customer requirement to final deliverable.  I know of no support infrastructure that even comes close in the Smalltalk world and would consider it madness to even consider taking on such a project using Smalltalk.

Peter Hunsberger

vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]

[hidden email]
29 January, 2012 3:37 AM

200 developers on a project ? Scaring ..... They should use another technology than Java to go under 50 developers. They will save a lot of money :)


[hidden email]
28 January, 2012 10:46 AM

Hi guys,

Ralph Johnson in his InfoQ interview made an interesting observation:

2:55 minute: "Smalltalk made an fundamental error ... image ... you can
build something with 4-5 people what 50 people can build in Java, but if
you take 200 people in Java ... it is really designed for small systems
... "

Are we because of the image really destined for relatively small
projects and small systems (of Java 50 people project size)?

Are we really not able to scale to bigger projects/systems because of that?

Ok, there are few exceptions of course (JPMorgan, OOCL, ..), but still...


Best regards

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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Rob Vens-2
In reply to this post by Dennis smith-4
I am hoping that he meant multiple communicating images.
And do not think 4 or 10. Thinks hundreds. Each image could be small
enough to run on one processor (remember: the hardware has scaled
according to Moore's law, but Smalltalk has almost remained as small as
it has always been), but in a massively scaled multiprocessor
environment, we could keep up!
We have invented objects. Languages like Erlang have tackled
scalability, but we might tackle it a bit differently. And a lot closer
to the OO paradigm. I remember Alan Kay once mentioning what he thought
the internet would become: each object it's own IP adress, and all
interacting we each other. But then someone invented the web... :-(

On 29-01-12 00:55, Dennis Smith wrote:

> When you say "divided", are you thinking of
>    - multiple communicating images??
>    - multiple streams of development to be eventually combined into one
> image??
> On 2012-01-28 18:51, Ralph Johnson wrote:
>> This thread started with a reference to a comment I made some time
>> ago.  What I meant was that Smalltalk has no special advantages for
>> large projects.   It does have special advantages for small projects.
>> But on large projects, the important problems are political, not
>> technical.
>> Smalltalk tends to have political problems; it is not one of the
>> "standard" languages that you can easily justify to the board of
>> directors, it can be hard to get good Smalltalkers in large numbers.
>> So, it is not likely to be used on large projects.  I don't think
>> Smalltalk is necessarily any harder to use on a project with a lot of
>> people, but projects with a lot of people are always dangerous and
>> likely to fail.  So, it is better to try to keep projects small,
>> whether you are using Smalltalk or not.  Smalltalk can help you keep
>> it small.
>> One thing that hasn't been discussed much is how to break a project
>> into pieces.   How often are project divided into a group of images
>> instead of one giant image?  I tend to see one giant image, and more
>> and more I am thinking that is a mistake.
>> -Ralph
>> _______________________________________________
>> vwnc mailing list
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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Nowak, Helge
In this context the thoughts of Alan Kay about what object orientation is are worthwhile reconsidering:

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Rob Vens
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Februar 2012 11:17
Cc: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [vwnc] Smalltalk for small projects only?

I am hoping that he meant multiple communicating images.
And do not think 4 or 10. Thinks hundreds. Each image could be small enough to run on one processor (remember: the hardware has scaled according to Moore's law, but Smalltalk has almost remained as small as it has always been), but in a massively scaled multiprocessor environment, we could keep up!
We have invented objects. Languages like Erlang have tackled scalability, but we might tackle it a bit differently. And a lot closer to the OO paradigm. I remember Alan Kay once mentioning what he thought the internet would become: each object it's own IP adress, and all interacting we each other. But then someone invented the web... :-(

On 29-01-12 00:55, Dennis Smith wrote:

> When you say "divided", are you thinking of
>    - multiple communicating images??
>    - multiple streams of development to be eventually combined into
> one image??
> On 2012-01-28 18:51, Ralph Johnson wrote:
>> This thread started with a reference to a comment I made some time
>> ago.  What I meant was that Smalltalk has no special advantages for
>> large projects.   It does have special advantages for small projects.
>> But on large projects, the important problems are political, not
>> technical.
>> Smalltalk tends to have political problems; it is not one of the
>> "standard" languages that you can easily justify to the board of
>> directors, it can be hard to get good Smalltalkers in large numbers.
>> So, it is not likely to be used on large projects.  I don't think
>> Smalltalk is necessarily any harder to use on a project with a lot of
>> people, but projects with a lot of people are always dangerous and
>> likely to fail.  So, it is better to try to keep projects small,
>> whether you are using Smalltalk or not.  Smalltalk can help you keep
>> it small.
>> One thing that hasn't been discussed much is how to break a project
>> into pieces.   How often are project divided into a group of images
>> instead of one giant image?  I tend to see one giant image, and more
>> and more I am thinking that is a mistake.
>> -Ralph
>> _______________________________________________
>> vwnc mailing list
>> [hidden email]

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Re: Smalltalk for small projects only?

Niall Ross
In reply to this post by Ralph Johnson
Dear Ralph,

>... on large projects, the important problems are political, not
>Smalltalk tends to have political problems; it is not one of the
>"standard" languages that you can easily justify to the board of
>directors, it can be hard to get good Smalltalkers in large numbers.
I note these are, in a logical sense, 'accidental' features of
Smalltalk, not essential features.  Many in this thread have been
addressing whether Smalltalk has any 'essential' features that would
cause problems in a large project:  "Smalltalk is a problem for large
projects" as against "Any less fashionable language, such as Smalltalk,
is a problem for large projects."

Such 'accidents' can of course be crucial to success or failure.  
However it is valid for anyone planning a project to distinguish true
from perceived disadvantages, even accidental ones.  Kapital was started
before the brief period when Smalltalk was somewhat fashionable, and
(AFAIK) continues now to find the people it needs without any special
difficulty.  If many large projects in Smalltalk were started
simultaneously, there might be a shortage, but any one project - just
_because_ it was choosing to be different - might have little difficulty
in getting the team leaders it needed and recruiting/training the rest.  
Deciding that was so might need a realistic idea of the rate at which
large projects can be grown.  I think that many a project that imagines
it has not the time for that realistic rate of growth will either go up
like a rocket and come down like the stick, or else will quietly forget
its earlier assumptions and actually grow at a realistic rate - in which
case, the language decision was made on bad grounds.

So I'm not disagreeing with your "not ... easily justify to the board of
directors", just suggesting possible reasons anyone in that situation
can use to make it easier.

>... projects with a lot of people are always dangerous and likely to
> fail.  So, it is better to try to keep projects small, whether you
> are using Smalltalk or not.  Smalltalk can help you keep it small.
A very valid point, and a good argument to use.

                Yours faithfully
                      Niall Ross

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