Smalltalk job, and SummerTalk

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Smalltalk job, and SummerTalk

Yann Monclair-2

I just graduated from my Master of Science in Software Computing, at the University of Brest, France.
I have studied, and used, Smalltalk for more than 4 years now, and I am currently looking for a job, if possible involving Smalltalk.

Though I live in France, I am more interested in a job in Toronto, Canada. But I will consider every offer.
Please refer to my webpage to find my resume, and more information about me

I am participating in the ESUG SummerTalk 2006. I will be working on an iCalendar in Smalltalk (Squeak). My focus will be on two main aspects: web edition (probably using Seaside) and collaboration, though I expect to  pick up other trails on the way. I have set up a blog at . Please feel free to follow this adventure. Your comments and ideas are welcome.

Yann Monclair

Yann Monclair -- Email: [hidden email]
2 rue Camille Claudel -- Cell: +33 663 948092
29900 Concarneau -- Home: +33 298 979323