Smalltalk position at Douai, France

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Smalltalk position at Douai, France

Luc Fabresse-4


Please find below a description for a position in our Smalltalk team.

** 12-months Software Research Engineer Position for Service Robotics **

Context: The RoboShop Project

The RoboShop project aims at providing the foundations for using robots as media in the customer relationship management (CRM). This work should provide a hardware and software platform to build experiments about robotic usage scenario related to shopping. This platform must be complete and used in a public demonstration at the end of the project by october 2013.


The work to be carried out aims at providing a robust infrastructure (hardware and soft- ware) for robotic experiments related to services. The hardware part will mainly rely on an existing robotic platform which already integrate the most common sensors and actuators (Laser, Vision, infra-red, ...). The contribution will consist in integrating some new sensors. The main effort is therefore on the software part. Technologically it will imply to work with ROS (Robot Operating System) [ros08] and Pharo [pha08] as well as some robotic tools and algorithms: simulators (Gazebo, Morse), SLAM, ...

[pha08] Pharo: a clean, innovative, open-source smalltalk-inspired environment., 2008.
[ros08] Ros: Robot operating system., 2008.

Expected skills

We are looking for a software developer with one or more of the following skills:

- Robotics middleware (ROS, ...)
- Control architecture for robotic systems
- Object-oriented programming
- Dynamic languages 
- Agile methodologies (XP, TDD, ...)

Administrative information

- Duration: 12 months
- Starting date: 2012 October 
- Salary: 2 887 euros / month before taxes 
- Location: Douai (Lille area), France (no remote job possible)
- Working Language: English or French


Send a CV by mail to: Noury Bouraqadi ([hidden email]), Luc Fabresse ([hidden email])
