"Smalltalk signalLowSpace" freeze the image

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"Smalltalk signalLowSpace" freeze the image

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi. Take Pharo 1.0 or Pharo 1.1. The following code, will probably freeze your image:  "Smalltalk signalLowSpace"

Can you reproduce it?  or I am the only one ?   Let me know and I open a ticket.

I have tried with all Mac vms.

I tried the same in Squeak 4.1 and it works correct. Any idea where it can be the problem?

I tried to debug a lot. Of course, it is freezing in "LowSpaceSemaphore signal".

I put a halt in #installLowSpaceWatcher  and tried to debug #lowSpaceWatcher  but I didn't find anything.

Thanks for any hint.


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Re: "Smalltalk signalLowSpace" freeze the image

Gary Chambers-4
A freeze (cmd-. interruptable)... The old "offList" message things it seems...

Regards, Gary
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 3:51 PM
Subject: [Pharo-project] "Smalltalk signalLowSpace" freeze the image

Hi. Take Pharo 1.0 or Pharo 1.1. The following code, will probably freeze your image:  "Smalltalk signalLowSpace"

Can you reproduce it?  or I am the only one ?   Let me know and I open a ticket.

I have tried with all Mac vms.

I tried the same in Squeak 4.1 and it works correct. Any idea where it can be the problem?

I tried to debug a lot. Of course, it is freezing in "LowSpaceSemaphore signal".

I put a halt in #installLowSpaceWatcher  and tried to debug #lowSpaceWatcher  but I didn't find anything.

Thanks for any hint.


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Re: "Smalltalk signalLowSpace" freeze the image

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
nicolas proposed a fix for offList


I did not integrate it because the fix is not fixing the problem but kind of an effect.


On May 25, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi. Take Pharo 1.0 or Pharo 1.1. The following code, will probably freeze your image:  "Smalltalk signalLowSpace"
> Can you reproduce it?  or I am the only one ?   Let me know and I open a ticket.
> I have tried with all Mac vms.
> I tried the same in Squeak 4.1 and it works correct. Any idea where it can be the problem?
> I tried to debug a lot. Of course, it is freezing in "LowSpaceSemaphore signal".
> I put a halt in #installLowSpaceWatcher  and tried to debug #lowSpaceWatcher  but I didn't find anything.
> Thanks for any hint.
> Mariano
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