SmalltalkHub packages not accessible

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SmalltalkHub packages not accessible – Hi all I can not access packages from SmalltalkHub (anymore). Is it just my installation of (newest) GsDevKit, or does anybody else have this (...
Brodbeck, It looks like the issues with SmalltalkHub are now resolved and as a side-effect SmalltalkHub is now running as a static site. D...
Brodbeck, I've got a cron travis ci job that started failing yesterday sometime [1], and I just reran the failing seaside travis tests an hou...
SmalltalkHub has been having some problems recently. This was (according to the Pharo-Dev list) fixed sometime in the past few hours, though DNS...
Hi Brodbeck, This doesn’t answer the question of why you’re not seeing packages on Smalltalk Hub, but for seaside, the main repo is now on GitHub...