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Chris Uppal-3
ignores the aBoolean argument, and prompts unconditionally.

This "breaks" the example in the 'Welcome to Dolphin' intro. script.

I haven't looked to see if this affects D4, but I'm pretty sure it's a
regression since D2.1 -- which is when I imagine I last went through the
examples ;-)

Also, the way that the font of the 'Welcome' script's examples changes as
they are evaluated looks a little bit off -- sort of amateurish.

    -- chris

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Re: SmalltalkSystem>>browseContainingText:prompt:

Blair McGlashan
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> ignores the aBoolean argument, and prompts unconditionally.
> This "breaks" the example in the 'Welcome to Dolphin' intro. script.


> ...
> Also, the way that the font of the 'Welcome' script's examples changes as
> they are evaluated looks a little bit off -- sort of amateurish.


