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Chris Uppal-3
or whatever the aspect was called in earlier betas.

I was sorry to see that the facility to change the default and alternate
inspector classes had gone away.  I'd found it very useful to be able to use
my own "inspectors" in place of the system ones without having to change the
base system.  Is there any chance you could put it back again please ?  (But
not necessarily in this upcoming release.)

If not then I can always hack it in myself.

TIA (I hope ;-)

    -- chris

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Re: SmalltalkSystem>>inspectorClass

Blair McGlashan
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> or whatever the aspect was called in earlier betas.
> I was sorry to see that the facility to change the default and alternate
> inspector classes had gone away.  I'd found it very useful to be able to
> my own "inspectors" in place of the system ones without having to change
> base system.  Is there any chance you could put it back again please ?
> not necessarily in this upcoming release.)
> If not then I can always hack it in myself.
> TIA (I hope ;-)

It's been changed because it didn't really work that well. Allowing a single
class to be chosen is OK for inspectors like Flipper, where a single tool
works for all objects, but not where the tool can be specialized by class
(e.g. the old/alternate inspectors). The simplest approach for this release
was to put in a boolean toggle to allow one to switch between Flipper and
the alternate inspectors as the default/alternate inspectors. In a future
release we could allow one to choose the selector to be sent to enquire the
class of default and alternate inspectors.



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Re: SmalltalkSystem>>inspectorClass

Chris Uppal-3

> It's been changed because it didn't really work that well. Allowing a
> class to be chosen is OK for inspectors like Flipper, where a single tool
> works for all objects, but not where the tool can be specialized by class
> (e.g. the old/alternate inspectors).

Yes, I see your point.

For now, I've just hacked Object>>inspectorClass to hardwire the name of my
own inspector root-class.

> Blair

    -- chris