[Smalltalks 2015] --- Invitation

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[Smalltalks 2015] --- Invitation

Andres Valloud-5
The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk proudly invites you to one of the premier Smalltalk conferences in the world.  Let's meet at Buenos Aires, November 11-13!  For more details, see the invitation here:


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Re: [Smalltalks 2015] --- Invitation

Gastón Dall' Oglio
Hola Andres.

Me intente inscribir en http://fast.org.ar/registration y me devuelve "This field is required." en los checks del Social Dinner. 


2015-08-18 21:55 GMT-03:00 Andres Valloud <[hidden email]>:
The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk proudly invites you to one of the premier Smalltalk conferences in the world.  Let's meet at Buenos Aires, November 11-13!  For more details, see the invitation here:


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Re: [Smalltalks 2015] --- Invitation

Andres Valloud-5
Ah, mira vos... recien probe de registrarme y efectivamente me dejo pasar cuando tilde que queria ir a la cena (es decir, sin tildar la opcion vegetariana).  En seguida lo arreglamos, disculpa.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Gastón Dall' Oglio <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hola Andres.

Me intente inscribir en http://fast.org.ar/registration y me devuelve "This field is required." en los checks del Social Dinner. 


2015-08-18 21:55 GMT-03:00 Andres Valloud <[hidden email]>:
The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk proudly invites you to one of the premier Smalltalk conferences in the world.  Let's meet at Buenos Aires, November 11-13!  For more details, see the invitation here:


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Re: [Smalltalks 2015] --- Invitation

Gastón Dall' Oglio
Gracias! no hay apuro por mi parte, solo avisaba...


El 18 de agosto de 2015, 22:43, Andres Valloud <[hidden email]> escribió:
Ah, mira vos... recien probe de registrarme y efectivamente me dejo pasar cuando tilde que queria ir a la cena (es decir, sin tildar la opcion vegetariana).  En seguida lo arreglamos, disculpa.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Gastón Dall' Oglio <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hola Andres.

Me intente inscribir en http://fast.org.ar/registration y me devuelve "This field is required." en los checks del Social Dinner. 


2015-08-18 21:55 GMT-03:00 Andres Valloud <[hidden email]>:
The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk proudly invites you to one of the premier Smalltalk conferences in the world.  Let's meet at Buenos Aires, November 11-13!  For more details, see the invitation here:


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