Smalltalks 2018 videos are live!

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Smalltalks 2018 videos are live!

We finished uploading all the videos of the conference. You can get the links and related info here.

Gabriel in name of FAST

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Please add me to & Question...

Hello Gabriel,

I hope all is well with you and your Smalltalk projects...

#1. Please add me to
using my email: [hidden email]

#2. I am making a tutorial for Pharo/Seaside and thinking about using Willow also.

I see that Pharo 5.x is no longer supported by Willow. 
But, will the current Willow & RenoirSt work with Pharo 5.x ?

My next tutorial will be using PharoJS which is currently working with Pharo 5.
PharoJS will be ported to Pharo 7 eventually, but I need to use Pharo 5 for all my tutorials at this time.

Do you have any comments or suggestions for my use of Willow?
I would appreciate any existing tutorials or guidance that you can refer me to.
Thank you.

Peter Odehnal
778 338-4800
Vancouver, BC Canada

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 1:46 PM Gabriel Cotelli <[hidden email]> wrote:
We finished uploading all the videos of the conference. You can get the links and related info here.

Gabriel in name of FAST

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