SnapshotCello feedabck

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SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi doru

I like the interface much better than the moose reloader :)
        - what about dirty packages that are not in the configuration tree? I would not handle them to force people to get clean
Did you try to rebuild Moose using it?
I will ;)

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2

I already tested it with Moose and it works. Snapstocello should reproduce exactly a given image, and this should include dirty packages. The problem is that the moose packages are not dirty, so it would be hard for Snapshotcello to know if the dirty packages are due to the target versions or something else.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2013, at 11:26, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi doru
> I like the interface much better than the moose reloader :)
> Else
>    - what about dirty packages that are not in the configuration tree? I would not handle them to force people to get clean
> Did you try to rebuild Moose using it?
> I will ;)
> Stef
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse

On Aug 9, 2013, at 2:17 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I already tested it with Moose and it works. Snapstocello should reproduce exactly a given image, and this should include dirty packages. The problem is that the moose packages are not dirty, so it would be hard for Snapshotcello to know if the dirty packages are due to the target versions or something else.

The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.

Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?

Did you try with empty package cache?
Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.

In fact I have three problems:
        - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
        - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
        - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
                I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity


> Doru
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 9, 2013, at 11:26, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi doru
>> I like the interface much better than the moose reloader :)
>> Else
>>   - what about dirty packages that are not in the configuration tree? I would not handle them to force people to get clean
>> Did you try to rebuild Moose using it?
>> I will ;)
>> Stef
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
>> Hi,
>> I already tested it with Moose and it works. Snapstocello should reproduce exactly a given image, and this should include dirty packages. The problem is that the moose packages are not dirty, so it would be hard for Snapshotcello to know if the dirty packages are due to the target versions or something else.
> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
> Did you try with empty package cache?
> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
> In fact I have three problems:
> - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
> - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
> - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
> I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
> :(

I have the impression that the cache does not affect the load so this is already one variable less.

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
>> I already tested it with Moose and it works. Snapstocello should reproduce exactly a given image, and this should include dirty packages. The problem is that the moose packages are not dirty, so it would be hard for Snapshotcello to know if the dirty packages are due to the target versions or something else.
> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
> Did you try with empty package cache?
> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
> In fact I have three problems:
> - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
> - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
> - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
> I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
> :(

don't you think that Metanool should depend on Moose? Since it uses MooseEntity.

baseline10: spec
        <version: '1.0-baseline'>
        spec for: #common do: [
                spec blessing: #baseline.
                spec repository: ''.
                        package: 'Metanool-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Fame' 'Magritte3')];
                        package: 'Metanool-Tests-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Metanool-Core')].
                spec group: 'Core' with: #(
                spec group: 'Tests' with: #(
" 'Magritte-Tests-Model'"
                spec project: 'Magritte3' with: [
                                        className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
                                        file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
                                        version: #stable;
                                        repository: '';
                                        loads: #('Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Tests-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model') ].
                spec project: 'Fame' with: [
                                        className: 'ConfigurationOfFame';
                                        version: #development;
                                        file:  'ConfigurationOfFame';
                                        repository: '' ].
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse

I think that repositoryFor: is bogus

self repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.14''
        >  '' 
        while it should return

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
returns an OrderedCollection(#('ConfigurationOfFourDParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfFourDEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueBrowser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfBabyMock' '') #('ConfigurationOfMoose' '') #('BabyMock-Core' '') #('ConfigurationOfFame' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoassal' '') #('ConfigurationOfXMLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSmallDude' '') #('ConfigurationOfGlamour' '') #('ConfigurationOfMetanool' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoelTyper' '') #('ConfigurationOfGToolkit' '') #('ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' '') #('ConfigurationOfMondrian' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfMerlin' '') #('ConfigurationOfDSM' '') #('ConfigurationOfEyeSee' '') #('OSProcess' '') #('Moose-Help' '') #('Famix-Specifications' '') #('Arki-Reporter-Core' '') #('Arki-Tests-Reporter' '') #('Famix-Tests-C' '') #('Famix-Tests-Extensions' '') #('Dynamix-Tests-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-PackageOne' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LAN' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LCOM' '') #('Moose-TestResources-CategoryImporter' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P4FullInteracted' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P6InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P5FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P1FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P2InteractedReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P3InteractedReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P7ReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P8FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P9FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P10InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P11FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P12FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P13FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P14FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-PExtensions' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P1' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P2' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P3' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P4' '') #('Moose-Tests-MonticelloImporter' '') #('ConfigurationOfMagritte3' '') #('ConfigurationOfGrease' '') #('Grease-Core' 'http:/...etc…

I saw that there were some changes in the definition of repositoryFor: compared to the version

We have now

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        select: [:each | ( (each first, '*') match: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos')]  

And may be it should be

repositoryFor: aString
        ^ (self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        detect: [:each | ( (each first, '-*') match: aString)]
                        ifNone: [self error: 'No repository found for ', aString]) second

Now I wonder if we could not ask the working copy to get its name
like that we can have

        from the configuration
                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  '')

        and from the working copy

                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  'ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGibar.14')

and we do not have to match.

What do you think?


>> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
>> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
>> Did you try with empty package cache?
>> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
>> In fact I have three problems:
>> - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
>> - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
>> - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
>> I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
>> :(
> I have the impression that the cache does not affect the load so this is already one variable less.
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse

I got another problem with Hismo.


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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
I just checked, and there is no problem in the images I work with. Try this in the latest Moose 4.8 image:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 

Also, as a test, I produced a couple of weeks ago a version of Moose (4.8-snapshot), and this loaded in a fresh Pharo 2.0 image without any problems.


On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

I think that repositoryFor: is bogus

self repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.14''
        >  ''
        while it should return

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
returns an OrderedCollection(#('ConfigurationOfFourDParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfFourDEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueBrowser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfBabyMock' '') #('ConfigurationOfMoose' '') #('BabyMock-Core' '') #('ConfigurationOfFame' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoassal' '') #('ConfigurationOfXMLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSmallDude' '') #('ConfigurationOfGlamour' '') #('ConfigurationOfMetanool' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoelTyper' '') #('ConfigurationOfGToolkit' '') #('ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' '') #('ConfigurationOfMondrian' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfMerlin' '') #('ConfigurationOfDSM' '') #('ConfigurationOfEyeSee' '') #('OSProcess' '') #('Moose-Help' '') #('Famix-Specifications' '') #('Arki-Reporter-Core' '') #('Arki-Tests-Reporter' '') #('Famix-Tests-C' '') #('Famix-Tests-Extensions' '') #('Dynamix-Tests-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-PackageOne' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LAN' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LCOM' '') #('Moose-TestResources-CategoryImporter' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P4FullInteracted' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P6InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P5FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P1FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P2InteractedReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P3InteractedReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P7ReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P8FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P9FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P10InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P11FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P12FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P13FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P14FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-PExtensions' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P1' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P2' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P3' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P4' '') #('Moose-Tests-MonticelloImporter' '') #('ConfigurationOfMagritte3' '') #('ConfigurationOfGrease' '') #('Grease-Core' 'http:/...etc…

I saw that there were some changes in the definition of repositoryFor: compared to the version

We have now

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        select: [:each | ( (each first, '*') match: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos')]

And may be it should be

repositoryFor: aString
        ^ (self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        detect: [:each | ( (each first, '-*') match: aString)]
                        ifNone: [self error: 'No repository found for ', aString]) second

Now I wonder if we could not ask the working copy to get its name
like that we can have

        from the configuration
                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  '')

        and from the working copy

                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  'ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGibar.14')

and we do not have to match.

What do you think?

>> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
>> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
>> Did you try with empty package cache?
>> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
>> In fact I have three problems:
>>      - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
>>      - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
>>      - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
>>              I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
>>      :(
> I have the impression that the cache does not affect the load so this is already one variable less.
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse

On Aug 9, 2013, at 10:33 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

I just checked, and there is no problem in the images I work with. Try this in the latest Moose 4.8 image:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 

Also, as a test, I produced a couple of weeks ago a version of Moose (4.8-snapshot), and this loaded in a fresh Pharo 2.0 image without any problems.

But with the synectique image I have problem.

And in the latest moose image the computation of repository of MooseAlgos was Moose and it was wrong.
Did you try the expressions I sent you?
with the version prior to my modification?



On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

I think that repositoryFor: is bogus

self repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.14''
        >  ''
        while it should return

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
returns an OrderedCollection(#('ConfigurationOfFourDParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfFourDEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueBrowser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfBabyMock' '') #('ConfigurationOfMoose' '') #('BabyMock-Core' '') #('ConfigurationOfFame' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoassal' '') #('ConfigurationOfXMLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSmallDude' '') #('ConfigurationOfGlamour' '') #('ConfigurationOfMetanool' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoelTyper' '') #('ConfigurationOfGToolkit' '') #('ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' '') #('ConfigurationOfMondrian' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfMerlin' '') #('ConfigurationOfDSM' '') #('ConfigurationOfEyeSee' '') #('OSProcess' '') #('Moose-Help' '') #('Famix-Specifications' '') #('Arki-Reporter-Core' '') #('Arki-Tests-Reporter' '') #('Famix-Tests-C' '') #('Famix-Tests-Extensions' '') #('Dynamix-Tests-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-PackageOne' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LAN' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LCOM' '') #('Moose-TestResources-CategoryImporter' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P4FullInteracted' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P6InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P5FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P1FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P2InteractedReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P3InteractedReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P7ReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P8FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P9FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P10InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P11FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P12FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P13FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P14FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-PExtensions' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P1' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P2' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P3' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P4' '') #('Moose-Tests-MonticelloImporter' '') #('ConfigurationOfMagritte3' '') #('ConfigurationOfGrease' '') #('Grease-Core' 'http:/...etc…

I saw that there were some changes in the definition of repositoryFor: compared to the version

We have now

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        select: [:each | ( (each first, '*') match: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos')]

And may be it should be

repositoryFor: aString
        ^ (self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        detect: [:each | ( (each first, '-*') match: aString)]
                        ifNone: [self error: 'No repository found for ', aString]) second

Now I wonder if we could not ask the working copy to get its name
like that we can have

        from the configuration
                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  '')

        and from the working copy

                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  'ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGibar.14')

and we do not have to match.

What do you think?

>> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
>> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
>> Did you try with empty package cache?
>> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
>> In fact I have three problems:
>>      - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
>>      - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
>>      - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
>>              I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
>>      :(
> I have the impression that the cache does not affect the load so this is already one variable less.
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse

Two points to answers (do not read this email if you are in hurry)

Point 1 
can you have a look at at my 23 commit changes?
Because I think that the logic is more robust:
Doing a join is too me more robust than a match.
As I already say it 
we want (version repo package)
and we have 
from the config repo package
and now we are taking from the image version and look for the package with a match

what I did is:
from the config repo package
from the image version package
Like that there is no possibility of mismatch

I will check why I got the other problems. It is probably in the configuration of synectique projects but still
having this match is a source of error. 

Point 2
Then I do not understand why Metanool does not list MooseCore as a dependency?

Could you reply to these points?


PS: I wrote the following in a previous mail

don't you think that Metanool should depend on Moose? Since it uses MooseEntity. 

baseline10: spec 
<version: '1.0-baseline'>

spec for: #common do: [
spec blessing: #baseline.
spec repository: ''.
package: 'Metanool-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Fame' 'Magritte3')];
package: 'Metanool-Tests-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Metanool-Core')].
spec group: 'Core' with: #(
spec group: 'Tests' with: #(
" 'Magritte-Tests-Model'"
spec project: 'Magritte3' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
version: #stable;
repository: '';
loads: #('Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Tests-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model') ].
spec project: 'Fame' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfFame';
version: #development;
file:  'ConfigurationOfFame';
repository: '' ].

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Hi Stef,

I did try. The stable version loads my version, without your modifications and it works as expected. I think your image was somehow messed up.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Aug 9, 2013, at 10:33 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

I just checked, and there is no problem in the images I work with. Try this in the latest Moose 4.8 image:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 

Also, as a test, I produced a couple of weeks ago a version of Moose (4.8-snapshot), and this loaded in a fresh Pharo 2.0 image without any problems.

But with the synectique image I have problem.

And in the latest moose image the computation of repository of MooseAlgos was Moose and it was wrong.
Did you try the expressions I sent you?
with the version prior to my modification?



On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

I think that repositoryFor: is bogus

self repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.14''
        >  ''
        while it should return

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
returns an OrderedCollection(#('ConfigurationOfFourDParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfFourDEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueBrowser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSynectiqueEntities' '') #('ConfigurationOfBabyMock' '') #('ConfigurationOfMoose' '') #('BabyMock-Core' '') #('ConfigurationOfFame' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoassal' '') #('ConfigurationOfXMLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfSmallDude' '') #('ConfigurationOfGlamour' '') #('ConfigurationOfMetanool' '') #('ConfigurationOfRoelTyper' '') #('ConfigurationOfGToolkit' '') #('ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' '') #('ConfigurationOfMondrian' '') #('ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser' '') #('ConfigurationOfMerlin' '') #('ConfigurationOfDSM' '') #('ConfigurationOfEyeSee' '') #('OSProcess' '') #('Moose-Help' '') #('Famix-Specifications' '') #('Arki-Reporter-Core' '') #('Arki-Tests-Reporter' '') #('Famix-Tests-C' '') #('Famix-Tests-Extensions' '') #('Dynamix-Tests-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-Core' '') #('Moose-TestResources-Reference-PackageOne' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LAN' '') #('Moose-TestResources-LCOM' '') #('Moose-TestResources-CategoryImporter' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P4FullInteracted' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P6InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P5FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P1FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P2InteractedReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P3InteractedReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P7ReferencerReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P8FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P9FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P10InteractedReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P11FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P12FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P13FullReferencer' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-P14FullReferee' '') #('Moose-TestResources-KGB-PExtensions' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P1' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P2' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P3' '') #('Moose-TestResources-PackageBlueprint-P4' '') #('Moose-Tests-MonticelloImporter' '') #('ConfigurationOfMagritte3' '') #('ConfigurationOfGrease' '') #('Grease-Core' 'http:/...etc…

I saw that there were some changes in the definition of repositoryFor: compared to the version

We have now

self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        select: [:each | ( (each first, '*') match: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos')]

And may be it should be

repositoryFor: aString
        ^ (self packagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
                        detect: [:each | ( (each first, '-*') match: aString)]
                        ifNone: [self error: 'No repository found for ', aString]) second

Now I wonder if we could not ask the working copy to get its name
like that we can have

        from the configuration
                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  '')

        and from the working copy

                #(ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos  'ConifgurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGibar.14')

and we do not have to match.

What do you think?

>> The packages are dirty in the Moose image on jenkins.
>> Are you trying with Pharo 2.0?
>> Did you try with empty package cache?
>> Because I'm retrying with a clean Pharo20 image.
>> In fact I have three problems:
>>      - MooseAlgos repo is not Moose but MooseAlgos and I have to check why.
>>      - I have problem with Metacallo not having the repositories set up and then it cannot resolve packages
>>      - Dependencies order (when I have empty package -
>>              I have Metanool-Core that depends from MooseEntity
>>      :(
> I have the impression that the cache does not affect the load so this is already one variable less.
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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse

Yes, indeed, Metanool should depend on Moose-Core. I will look into it before the release. Maybe I will merge Metanool with Moose-Finder.

As for Point 1, I will look into it.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Two points to answers (do not read this email if you are in hurry)

Point 1 
can you have a look at at my 23 commit changes?
Because I think that the logic is more robust:
Doing a join is too me more robust than a match.
As I already say it 
we want (version repo package)
and we have 
from the config repo package
and now we are taking from the image version and look for the package with a match

what I did is:
from the config repo package
from the image version package
Like that there is no possibility of mismatch

I will check why I got the other problems. It is probably in the configuration of synectique projects but still
having this match is a source of error. 

Point 2
Then I do not understand why Metanool does not list MooseCore as a dependency?

Could you reply to these points?


PS: I wrote the following in a previous mail

don't you think that Metanool should depend on Moose? Since it uses MooseEntity. 

baseline10: spec 
<version: '1.0-baseline'>

spec for: #common do: [
spec blessing: #baseline.
spec repository: ''.
package: 'Metanool-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Fame' 'Magritte3')];
package: 'Metanool-Tests-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Metanool-Core')].
spec group: 'Core' with: #(
spec group: 'Tests' with: #(
" 'Magritte-Tests-Model'"
spec project: 'Magritte3' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
version: #stable;
repository: '';
loads: #('Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Tests-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model') ].
spec project: 'Fame' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfFame';
version: #development;
file:  'ConfigurationOfFame';
repository: '' ].

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse

On Aug 10, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:


Yes, indeed, Metanool should depend on Moose-Core. I will look into it before the release. Maybe I will merge Metanool with Moose-Finder.

As for Point 1, I will look into it.


I'm going over all the configuration of Synectique today to see if there is a problem because I want to understand.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Two points to answers (do not read this email if you are in hurry)

Point 1 
can you have a look at at my 23 commit changes?
Because I think that the logic is more robust:
Doing a join is too me more robust than a match.
As I already say it 
we want (version repo package)
and we have 
from the config repo package
and now we are taking from the image version and look for the package with a match

what I did is:
from the config repo package
from the image version package
Like that there is no possibility of mismatch

I will check why I got the other problems. It is probably in the configuration of synectique projects but still
having this match is a source of error. 

Point 2
Then I do not understand why Metanool does not list MooseCore as a dependency?

Could you reply to these points?


PS: I wrote the following in a previous mail

don't you think that Metanool should depend on Moose? Since it uses MooseEntity. 

baseline10: spec 
<version: '1.0-baseline'>

spec for: #common do: [
spec blessing: #baseline.
spec repository: ''.
package: 'Metanool-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Fame' 'Magritte3')];
package: 'Metanool-Tests-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Metanool-Core')].
spec group: 'Core' with: #(
spec group: 'Tests' with: #(
" 'Magritte-Tests-Model'"
spec project: 'Magritte3' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
version: #stable;
repository: '';
loads: #('Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Tests-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model') ].
spec project: 'Fame' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfFame';
version: #development;
file:  'ConfigurationOfFame';
repository: '' ].

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
Great. Let me know if you find anything problematic.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Aug 10, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:


Yes, indeed, Metanool should depend on Moose-Core. I will look into it before the release. Maybe I will merge Metanool with Moose-Finder.

As for Point 1, I will look into it.


I'm going over all the configuration of Synectique today to see if there is a problem because I want to understand.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Two points to answers (do not read this email if you are in hurry)

Point 1 
can you have a look at at my 23 commit changes?
Because I think that the logic is more robust:
Doing a join is too me more robust than a match.
As I already say it 
we want (version repo package)
and we have 
from the config repo package
and now we are taking from the image version and look for the package with a match

what I did is:
from the config repo package
from the image version package
Like that there is no possibility of mismatch

I will check why I got the other problems. It is probably in the configuration of synectique projects but still
having this match is a source of error. 

Point 2
Then I do not understand why Metanool does not list MooseCore as a dependency?

Could you reply to these points?


PS: I wrote the following in a previous mail

don't you think that Metanool should depend on Moose? Since it uses MooseEntity. 

baseline10: spec 
<version: '1.0-baseline'>

spec for: #common do: [
spec blessing: #baseline.
spec repository: ''.
package: 'Metanool-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Fame' 'Magritte3')];
package: 'Metanool-Tests-Core' with: [spec requires: #('Metanool-Core')].
spec group: 'Core' with: #(
spec group: 'Tests' with: #(
" 'Magritte-Tests-Model'"
spec project: 'Magritte3' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
version: #stable;
repository: '';
loads: #('Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Tests-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model') ].
spec project: 'Fame' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfFame';
version: #development;
file:  'ConfigurationOfFame';
repository: '' ].

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2

I just checked, and there is no problem in the images I work with. Try this in the latest Moose 4.8 image:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 

Good news. In a fresh synectique image now I get the same using the stable version of snapshotcello.
I still do not understand what changed with the other try I did. 
What was strange is that my MC was corrupted with nil in cacheRepository and others. 

So I will try now to rebuild synectique tools. I checked all the configurtions and they look simple and ok. 


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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 


I just checked because you put a doubt in my mind but I was right
repositoryFor: is for versioned package not package names

so the real case (in fact I put a transcript while snapshotting Moose) is 

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfFame-TudorGirba.19'

With Snapshotcello 20
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello 23 (my favorite solution but I need your look)

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello21 (improving the match to cut at '-') 
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'     

I was afraid that my changes was just fixing the consequences of a problem in the method computePackagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
but it is correct. What metacello gives us back is a correct list of pairs.


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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Stéphane Ducasse
doru any ideas

- how I can fix the Metanool configuration? Just adding a MooseProject + dependency to MooseCore?
- how we can add support to Snapshotcello for private project? In reloader we could specify that and I will have a look.

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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
doru any ideas

- how I can fix the Metanool configuration? Just adding a MooseProject + dependency to MooseCore?

There is no need anymore. I just fixed the issue by moving the offending extensions to MooseFinder. All should be fine now.
- how we can add support to Snapshotcello for private project? In reloader we could specify that and I will have a look.

What do you mean by support for a private project? If you have a configuration, you should be able to use Snapshotcello. Or?


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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Ok, I see the problem now, although is not reproducible in the case of ConfigurationOfMoose simply because of the load order I think. But, the bug was clearly present.

I looked at your code and it fixed the problem. However, I now took a step back and I realize that we are working on the wrong model :). All the information we need is in the working copies, so I removed all intermediary string-based collections and I am only using a collection of working copies. It seems to work fine. I pushed it as stable. Could you have a look?


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 


I just checked because you put a doubt in my mind but I was right
repositoryFor: is for versioned package not package names

so the real case (in fact I put a transcript while snapshotting Moose) is 

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfFame-TudorGirba.19'

With Snapshotcello 20
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello 23 (my favorite solution but I need your look)

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello21 (improving the match to cut at '-') 
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'     

I was afraid that my changes was just fixing the consequences of a problem in the method computePackagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
but it is correct. What metacello gives us back is a correct list of pairs.


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Re: SnapshotCello feedabck

Tudor Girba-2
Moose loads fine with the new version of Snapshotcello.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ok, I see the problem now, although is not reproducible in the case of ConfigurationOfMoose simply because of the load order I think. But, the bug was clearly present.

I looked at your code and it fixed the problem. However, I now took a step back and I realize that we are working on the wrong model :). All the information we need is in the working copies, so I removed all intermediary string-based collections and I am only using a collection of working copies. It seems to work fine. I pushed it as stable. Could you have a look?


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Gofer new 
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello loadStable.
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' 


I just checked because you put a doubt in my mind but I was right
repositoryFor: is for versioned package not package names

so the real case (in fact I put a transcript while snapshotting Moose) is 

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
        sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfFame-TudorGirba.19'

With Snapshotcello 20
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello 23 (my favorite solution but I need your look)

Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'   

With Snapshotcello21 (improving the match to cut at '-') 
Snapshotcello new 
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfFourDBrowser;
sourceVersion: #development;
repositoryFor: 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos-TudorGirba.34'     

I was afraid that my changes was just fixing the consequences of a problem in the method computePackagesAndRepositoriesFromConfiguration
but it is correct. What metacello gives us back is a correct list of pairs.


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