Sneak Preview - SmallCruise for Dolphin

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Sneak Preview - SmallCruise for Dolphin

Tim M
Hi Guys,

I've been in the background working on a more polished Continuous Integration
application to try and help me automate more of what I do in my other spare

Anyway - leveraging some of the other OpenSource tools around like,
TortoiseSvn and Subversion I have put together something that could potentially
be interesting.

Before writing it all up and putting together some instructions, I recorded
a screencast of SmallCruise in action. I'm interested in people's impressions
- is it interesting enough to warrent the time for instructions and final

Screencast at:


p.s. Thanks to Bill Dargel for some of the original code, Chris Uppel, Ian
B. and many others for contributing tidbits along the way

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Re: Sneak Preview - SmallCruise for Dolphin

The Brave Sir Robin-2
This looks totally excellent. It's certainly something I'd  use a lot. I'm
all for continuous integration. I'm also rather interested in your
Subversion add-in.  

You're the man.

The Brave Sir Robin.

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:45:10 +0000 (UTC), Tim M <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Hi Guys,
>I've been in the background working on a more polished Continuous Integration
>application to try and help me automate more of what I do in my other spare
>Anyway - leveraging some of the other OpenSource tools around like,
>TortoiseSvn and Subversion I have put together something that could potentially
>be interesting.
>Before writing it all up and putting together some instructions, I recorded
>a screencast of SmallCruise in action. I'm interested in people's impressions
>- is it interesting enough to warrent the time for instructions and final
>Screencast at:
>p.s. Thanks to Bill Dargel for some of the original code, Chris Uppel, Ian
>B. and many others for contributing tidbits along the way

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Re: Sneak Preview - SmallCruise for Dolphin

Howard Oh
In reply to this post by Tim M
Tim M,

IntelliDolphin looks very helpful for speeding up the coding.
I don't work as a team, so no comment for the SmallCruise.

You are delivering values to the Dolphin community. Great job, Tim.

BTW, does this work on my community edition D6?

Howard J. Oh

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Re: Sneak Preview - SmallCruise for Dolphin

Tim M
Hi Howard,

> IntelliDolphin looks very helpful for speeding up the coding. I don't
> work as a team, so no comment for the SmallCruise.

Actually I use SmallCruise as a single developer, every time I commit my
changes its nice to have some security that in the background it launches
those images and checks my stuff in a clean environment along with the tests.
Sometimes I find myself running in an image for months (especially as I do
my stuff part time, so I steal an hour here and there and then save my image)
but I know that I should be checking everything is ok in a clean environment.
So I think single developers will benefit a lot.

I'm also hoping that we might be able to use some of these open source tools
to kickstart a stronger Dolphin community where things get finished and versioned
off in a known place (read - a labeled Subversion repository) - but that
piece I'm still kicking around.

> BTW, does this work on my community edition D6?

Smallcruise works in either - you will just need your registered images (then
you run a script to configure them) and then you create a project
which will run them. I am using to check Intelli-Dolphin in both environments.

The latter bit answers your question, Intelli will work in the Community
edition, some features just won't be available. I am expecting to have the
next versions of both available next week.
