Snippet for demo - being in control moving the Pharo logo

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Snippet for demo - being in control moving the Pharo logo

Ben Coman
As a general rule, people feel more confident about systems they can
control.  So I was thinking this might be a good snippet for demos to
give that sense of control.

"Evaluate one line at a time."
logo := ActiveWorld submorphs last.
logo center: ActiveWorld center.
logo top: 0.

cheers -ben

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Re: Snippet for demo - being in control moving the Pharo logo

On 28 Feb 2014, at 05:03, [hidden email] wrote:

> As a general rule, people feel more confident about systems they can control.  So I was thinking this might be a good snippet for demos to give that sense of control.
> "Evaluate one line at a time."
> logo := ActiveWorld submorphs last.
> logo center: ActiveWorld center.
> logo top: 0.

why do we need top:0?
> cheers -ben

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Re: Snippet for demo - being in control moving the Pharo logo

In reply to this post by Ben Coman
Works :-)

Works also like this: 

logo := World submorphs last.
logo center: World center.
logo top: 0.

As in Pharo:

ActiveWorld == World --> true


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 5:03 AM, <[hidden email]> wrote:
As a general rule, people feel more confident about systems they can control.  So I was thinking this might be a good snippet for demos to give that sense of control.

"Evaluate one line at a time."
logo := ActiveWorld submorphs last.
logo center: ActiveWorld center.
logo top: 0.

cheers -ben

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Re: Snippet for demo - being in control moving the Pharo logo

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by
Pharo4Stef wrote:
On 28 Feb 2014, at 05:03, [hidden email] wrote:

As a general rule, people feel more confident about systems they can control.  So I was thinking this might be a good snippet for demos to give that sense of control.

"Evaluate one line at a time."
logo := ActiveWorld submorphs last.
logo center: ActiveWorld center.
logo top: 0.

why do we need top:0?
cheers -ben
Just applying the 0,1,many computing philosophy to demos.  Its better to provide more than one example, and two is enough to be many. Students should be able to guess that they might use #right:
So then they have developed a hypothesis, been proven right --> feel in control --> like Pharo.
cheers -ben