So how do you use Live Coding ?

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So how do you use Live Coding ?

I think this deserves a seperate thread by itself, I was wondering what tricks , ideas and workflows you guys have come up with using live coding in Pharo ? 

What you like ? 
what you dont like ?
What kinda of libraries you have made to enhance your live coding workflow ?
What ideas you have that could enhance live coding workflow , inside and outside Pharo ?

Any opinion is welcomed whether you just started coding in Pharo or coding in it for many years , I welcome any kind of brainstorming as long as it is relevant to live coding itself. 

Offray already was kind enough to share his workflow but I am sure other have something to add as well

Its important to share because I am thinking of making a special mention in the Pharo wiki about live coding workflows so anything you share will be copy pasted there to help other people to get deeper into live coding 

If you can please offer practical examples , will make it easier for me and others to understand. 

So dont be shy, sharing is caring  ;)