So why exactly isn't there a seaside wiki?

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So why exactly isn't there a seaside wiki?

Richard Durr
Hello Everybody,

I currently try to figure out how to work with scriptaculous in  
Seaside and what I mostly miss are examples, examples, examples. Yes  
sure, there is scriptaculous.seasidehosting... but that shows only a  
part of what can be done and is especially silent on working with  
Element etc. (I still don't know how to create a script that uses  
Element to get some value and than print that value, sigh).

On the other hand, there are some things that I have already learnt  
and would like to contribute back. But appart from setting up my own  
blog, there is no official and no concentrated way of doing that, I  

A community edited wiki can akkumulate much knowledge, examples and so  
on. (Vgl.

I therefore think it would be cool if an official seaside wiki existed.

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Re: So why exactly isn't there a seaside wiki?

Lukas Renggli
> A community edited wiki can akkumulate much knowledge, examples and so on.
> (Vgl.

We had a wiki several years ago, but it died
( It is simply too hard to keep it
in sync with the code. You can see the same on the
website, their documentation wiki died too. They have integrated the
documentation in code now.

> I therefore think it would be cool if an official seaside wiki existed.

Personally I would prefer if you could provide simple examples in
code, that could be integrated with the existing examples. That would
ensure that the examples are actually in sync with the framework.

Another possibility would be to write a tutorial that could be
integrated on, however the site rots quickly too and
already today requires major cleanup


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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