Sockets in a Console Application...

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Sockets in a Console Application...

Christopher J. Demers
Can Sockets be used in a Console Application?  I decided to create a simple
whois command line application (it does what whois used to do in one
operation that now requires two queries).  The problem is that I get an
error about it not being able to create a window when it tries to connect, I
suspect this is related to the blocking for the sockets.

This is not critical, I just thought it might be a nice way to try out the
new console capabilities of Dolphin as well as a way to get whois to work
like it used to in one call.



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Re: Sockets in a Console Application...

Blair McGlashan
"Christopher J. Demers" <[hidden email]> wrote in
message news:9ab11h$4g9io$[hidden email]...
> Can Sockets be used in a Console Application?  ...

No, not with the current Sockets package because it uses the async. WinSock
API which requires a hidden Window and a message queue.

It should, however, be possible to use the blocking WinSock API with
overlapped calls, but we have no wrapping for that at present.

