Hello all,
This is a premature "report" - really more of a question to see if others are scratching their heads over the same thing. I have a situation in which my 3.06 image will create sockets, but, my 4.0 image won't; every call in the latter results in INVALID_SOCKET and an error. Any experiences of related success or failure? Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] (352) 846-1287 |
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8vhb11$vrv$[hidden email]... > This is a premature "report" - really more of a question to see if others > are scratching their heads over the same thing. I have a situation in which > my 3.06 image will create sockets, but, my 4.0 image won't; every call in > the latter results in INVALID_SOCKET and an error. Any experiences of > related success or failure? Hello Bill, it is probably unrelated to your problem, but who knows. I had a case under 3.06 where certain version of SHLWAPI.DLL in the current directory on certain machines, would render dolphin sockets unavailable, on all calls. Davorin Rusevljan |
> it is probably unrelated to your problem, but who knows. I had a case under > 3.06 where certain version of SHLWAPI.DLL in the current directory on > certain machines, would render dolphin sockets unavailable, on all calls. Thanks - I'll keep that in mind. It turns out that Chat works in a default image (not sure yet whether the location is important as your 3.06 experience might suggest), or whether I've stomped on something with my file-ins. Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
> Thanks - I'll keep that in mind. It turns out that Chat works in a default > image (not sure yet whether the location is important as your 3.06 > experience might suggest), or whether I've stomped on something with my > file-ins. I went back to the default image and found that Chat worked, and then later that it didn't. Then I tried some 'DNS" queries of my hosts files, and those failed. As a "bang on the box" approach, I evaluated WSockLibrary openDefault. and suddenly stuff started working. Could it be that something is failing to call #startSocketSystem? Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
You wrote in message news:8vjp05$ob2$[hidden email]... > .... > I went back to the default image and found that Chat worked, and then later > that it didn't. Then I tried some 'DNS" queries of my hosts files, and > those failed. As a "bang on the box" approach, I evaluated > > WSockLibrary openDefault. > > and suddenly stuff started working. Could it be that something is failing > to call #startSocketSystem? Ah, I'm getting an inkling, and I think you may well be on to something there. I will report back tomorrow. Regards Blair |
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:8vjp05$ob2$[hidden email]... >.... Could it be that something is failing > to call #startSocketSystem? Indeed. Please try the attached patch which revises the library startup code a little. All being well this will be in the first LiveUpdate. Sorry for any inconvenience. Regards Blair begin 666 LibraryStartup.st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` end |
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