Solved: ZdcPluginMissing: SSL/TLS plugin initailization failed (VM plugin missing ? OS libraries missing ?)

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Solved: ZdcPluginMissing: SSL/TLS plugin initailization failed (VM plugin missing ? OS libraries missing ?)

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

Thanks Sven. This solves the problem. The issue was the 32 bit library.

I don't know if this should be added as some kind of annotation or
footnode to [1], because the chapter suposse a 32-bit Ubuntu Gnu/Linux
deployment, but some of us are going to try similar stuff in similar
environment, forgetting to install the 32 bits libraries. Anyway, if
there is any room for this, I would be happy to make the edition with
the respective pull request.




Ps: Sorry to open a new thread. My mail was having some issues and
didn't get updated threads.