Some issues

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Some issues

Nico de Boer-2
These issues are in version 5.1, but not 5.1 specific.

View Composer:
When I try setting a color to (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DFACE)
when this color is nil, i get a compilation error (line 1: undeclared
'COLOR_3DFACE'). After setting the color through the color dialog,
I can set the color with (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DFACE).

Package Browser:
After saving a package, the marker of a changed resource is not cleared.

Tree View:
I get an audio signal (like with a dialog, but without the dialog) when an
unfolded tree is folded in the User Preferences. It only does so when
you trigger the unfold/fold fast after each other. This possibly has to do
with the double-click event on an entry (which triggers the editing of
a value).


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Re: Some issues

Bill Dargel
Nico de Boer wrote:

> View Composer:
> When I try setting a color to (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DFACE)
> when this color is nil, i get a compilation error (line 1: undeclared
> 'COLOR_3DFACE'). After setting the color through the color dialog,
> I can set the color with (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DFACE).

For this in particular, you can just set it to "Color face3d". Check out the
class side methods of Color for some others.

The problem arises because the Win32Constants pool dictionary, which has the
constant 'COLOR_3DFACE',  is known in the context of the Color, but not in the
context of UndefinedObject.

Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA