Some metrics don't work after refining a MSE model

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Some metrics don't work after refining a MSE model

Santiago Vidal
I'm trying to customize the import context when loading an mse model by using the method MooseModel>>importFromMSEStream: aStream filteredBy: anImportingContext.
The main problem is that after creating the MSE model some metrics are missing. For example, numberOfLinesOfCode is always 0 for a class. When I create the model without the importing context the metrics are fine.

The importing context that I'm using has the following fullNamesOfEntitiesToBeExtracted: 'FAMIX.Comment' 'FAMIX.Access' 'FAMIX.Inheritance' 'FAMIX.Invocation' 'FAMIX.Reference' 'FAMIX.Function' 'FAMIX.Method' 'FAMIX.Module' 'FAMIX.Namespace' 'FAMIX.Package' 'FAMIX.AnnotationType' 'FAMIX.Class' 'FAMIX.Enum' 'FAMIX.ParameterType' 'FAMIX.ParameterizedType' 'FAMIX.PrimitiveType' 'FAMIX.TypeAlias' 'FAMIX.EnumValue' 'FAMIX.GlobalVariable' 'FAMIX.ImplicitVariable' 'FAMIX.LocalVariable' 'FAMIX.Parameter' 'FAMIX.UnknownVariable' 'FAMIX.ParameterizableClass' 'FAMIX.AnnotationTypeAttribute'

Any help? Thanks


Santiago Vidal

Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: Some metrics don't work after refining a MSE model

Tudor Girba-2

Could you provide a reproducible case?


On 3 Apr 2012, at 20:38, Santiago Vidal wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to customize the import context when loading an mse model by using the method MooseModel>>importFromMSEStream: aStream filteredBy: anImportingContext.
> The main problem is that after creating the MSE model some metrics are missing. For example, numberOfLinesOfCode is always 0 for a class. When I create the model without the importing context the metrics are fine.
> The importing context that I'm using has the following fullNamesOfEntitiesToBeExtracted: 'FAMIX.Comment' 'FAMIX.Access' 'FAMIX.Inheritance' 'FAMIX.Invocation' 'FAMIX.Reference' 'FAMIX.Function' 'FAMIX.Method' 'FAMIX.Module' 'FAMIX.Namespace' 'FAMIX.Package' 'FAMIX.AnnotationType' 'FAMIX.Class' 'FAMIX.Enum' 'FAMIX.ParameterType' 'FAMIX.ParameterizedType' 'FAMIX.PrimitiveType' 'FAMIX.TypeAlias' 'FAMIX.EnumValue' 'FAMIX.GlobalVariable' 'FAMIX.ImplicitVariable' 'FAMIX.LocalVariable' 'FAMIX.Parameter' 'FAMIX.UnknownVariable' 'FAMIX.ParameterizableClass' 'FAMIX.AnnotationTypeAttribute'
> Any help? Thanks
> Cheers,
>   Santiago
> --
> Santiago Vidal
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]


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Re: Some metrics don't work after refining a MSE model

Santiago Vidal

you can run

|importingContext contextSelected stream mooseModel|
contextSelected:=#(#Parameter #UnknownVariable #LocalVariable #Class #Invocation #AnnotationType #Package #AnnotationTypeAttribute #EnumValue #GlobalVariable #TypeAlias #Module #Method #Enum #Function #Reference #PrimitiveType #Inheritance #Access #ParameterType #Comment #ParameterizedType #ParameterizableClass #ImplicitVariable #Namespace ).
importingContext := FAMIXStandardImportingContext new.
importingContext importAll: contextSelected.
stream := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '180.mse'.
mooseModel :=MooseModel new importFromMSEStream: stream filteredBy: importingContext.
mooseModel name: 'Verveine 180'.
mooseModel install.

2012/4/3 Tudor Girba <[hidden email]>

Could you provide a reproducible case?


On 3 Apr 2012, at 20:38, Santiago Vidal wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to customize the import context when loading an mse model by using the method MooseModel>>importFromMSEStream: aStream filteredBy: anImportingContext.
> The main problem is that after creating the MSE model some metrics are missing. For example, numberOfLinesOfCode is always 0 for a class. When I create the model without the importing context the metrics are fine.
> The importing context that I'm using has the following fullNamesOfEntitiesToBeExtracted: 'FAMIX.Comment' 'FAMIX.Access' 'FAMIX.Inheritance' 'FAMIX.Invocation' 'FAMIX.Reference' 'FAMIX.Function' 'FAMIX.Method' 'FAMIX.Module' 'FAMIX.Namespace' 'FAMIX.Package' 'FAMIX.AnnotationType' 'FAMIX.Class' 'FAMIX.Enum' 'FAMIX.ParameterType' 'FAMIX.ParameterizedType' 'FAMIX.PrimitiveType' 'FAMIX.TypeAlias' 'FAMIX.EnumValue' 'FAMIX.GlobalVariable' 'FAMIX.ImplicitVariable' 'FAMIX.LocalVariable' 'FAMIX.Parameter' 'FAMIX.UnknownVariable' 'FAMIX.ParameterizableClass' 'FAMIX.AnnotationTypeAttribute'
> Any help? Thanks
> Cheers,
>   Santiago
> --
> Santiago Vidal
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]


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Santiago Vidal

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Re: Some metrics don't work after refining a MSE model

Santiago Vidal
I forgot to mention that I'm using a redefined method MooseAbstractImportingContext>> defineEntityDependencies to take into account classes


| dependenciesElements dependenciesTypes  |
"we iterate over all elements (FM3MetaDescriptions) of the metamodel"

meta  do: [ :element | 
"we just keep classes that are not abstract (an abstract class will never be instanciated and therefore will never be a Moose Element)."
"FAMIXClass is an exception since it contains subclasses and can be instantiable"
(((element isFM3Class) and: [((self hasSubclasses: element) not)]) or: [element name = 'Class']) 
ifTrue: [
fm3Elements add: element.
"we retrieve all attributes of this class"
dependenciesElements := (element allAttributes select: [ :each | 
each isDerived not 
and: [( #(#String #Number #Boolean #Object ) includes: each type name) not ] ] ).
dependenciesTypes := OrderedCollection new.
dependenciesElements  do: [ :each | 
dependenciesTypes addAll: (self allSubclassTypesNotAbstractFor: each ) ].
entityDependencies at: element name put: dependenciesTypes asSet asOrderedCollection ] ]

2012/4/3 Santiago Vidal <[hidden email]>

you can run

|importingContext contextSelected stream mooseModel|
contextSelected:=#(#Parameter #UnknownVariable #LocalVariable #Class #Invocation #AnnotationType #Package #AnnotationTypeAttribute #EnumValue #GlobalVariable #TypeAlias #Module #Method #Enum #Function #Reference #PrimitiveType #Inheritance #Access #ParameterType #Comment #ParameterizedType #ParameterizableClass #ImplicitVariable #Namespace ).
importingContext := FAMIXStandardImportingContext new.
importingContext importAll: contextSelected.
stream := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '180.mse'.
mooseModel :=MooseModel new importFromMSEStream: stream filteredBy: importingContext.
mooseModel name: 'Verveine 180'.
mooseModel install.

2012/4/3 Tudor Girba <[hidden email]>

Could you provide a reproducible case?


On 3 Apr 2012, at 20:38, Santiago Vidal wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to customize the import context when loading an mse model by using the method MooseModel>>importFromMSEStream: aStream filteredBy: anImportingContext.
> The main problem is that after creating the MSE model some metrics are missing. For example, numberOfLinesOfCode is always 0 for a class. When I create the model without the importing context the metrics are fine.
> The importing context that I'm using has the following fullNamesOfEntitiesToBeExtracted: 'FAMIX.Comment' 'FAMIX.Access' 'FAMIX.Inheritance' 'FAMIX.Invocation' 'FAMIX.Reference' 'FAMIX.Function' 'FAMIX.Method' 'FAMIX.Module' 'FAMIX.Namespace' 'FAMIX.Package' 'FAMIX.AnnotationType' 'FAMIX.Class' 'FAMIX.Enum' 'FAMIX.ParameterType' 'FAMIX.ParameterizedType' 'FAMIX.PrimitiveType' 'FAMIX.TypeAlias' 'FAMIX.EnumValue' 'FAMIX.GlobalVariable' 'FAMIX.ImplicitVariable' 'FAMIX.LocalVariable' 'FAMIX.Parameter' 'FAMIX.UnknownVariable' 'FAMIX.ParameterizableClass' 'FAMIX.AnnotationTypeAttribute'
> Any help? Thanks
> Cheers,
>   Santiago
> --
> Santiago Vidal
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]


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Santiago Vidal

Santiago Vidal

Moose-dev mailing list
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