Hi guys
I want to let you know that there will be a new pharo lecture in
Yaoundé. I presented Pharo during a seminar and the
previous minister of education was there and asked us to do a lecture.
In June we did it with Damien C. by skype.
And now there is an official lecture at Yaoundé given by Prof.
Metalagia. This is an excellent news. I will give some lectures in
december there.
In Togo my first visit was quite successful: 120 participants to the
conferences I gave (it was still vacation time there).
There were 60 students following lectures from 8h to 17h during 4
days... Yes I'm exhausted ;)
A new Pharo lecture will start in north Togo. I will go back in December.
One of the idea is to help students to get good in Pharo and pharo web
stack and build web apps and other.
I hope that we can have within 2/3 year startups there. The gouverment
in really pushing in that direction.
There is a competition AppTogo.
People are learning C# and other languages. So nothing is that easy :).
I hope that some students will compete with Pharo so I will be looking
for potential mentors to help them.
Because I will be busy working on the mooc and other actions. Giving
them advices, pointing them to the right
solution/framework and may be a bit of pair programming if skype works.
I distributed the Pharo Starter Kit (we will announce it officially now
that I have 10 gb space on my server)
People loved the Youtube videos folder I'm collecting. Yes internet is a
pain there and avoiding to crawl on a slow internet is
a plus. In addition the videos shows that our community is doing crazy
Chloupis I put your great youtube tutorial! Thanks for it. some students
watched it.