Something like Timer Control in VB

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Something like Timer Control in VB

Germán S. Arduino

I'm trying to make an app in Dolphin, and need something like the Timer
Control of VB, how I can solve this in Dolphin.

Thanks and Best Regards.

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Re: Something like Timer Control in VB

Ian Bartholomew-18

> I'm trying to make an app in Dolphin, and need something like the Timer
> Control of VB, how I can solve this in Dolphin.

It might be better to describe what you actually want to do in Dolphin.
There are bound to be some poor uneducated souls out there who haven't had
the pleasure of using VB (like me :-)) and therefore don't know the
capabilities of it's Timer Control.


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Re: Something like Timer Control in VB

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Germán S. Arduino
Germán S. Arduino <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:ao1qrp$ikgk3$[hidden email]...
> Hello:
> I'm trying to make an app in Dolphin, and need something like the Timer
> Control of VB, how I can solve this in Dolphin.

It has been some time since I have used the Timer control in VB, so my
memory of it may not be accurate.  If I recall correctly you set an interval
and it runs some code at that interval.

In Smalltalk you could do something similar using Delay.

[(Delay forSeconds: 5) wait.
MessageBox  notify: 'Done!'] fork.
1000 timesRepeat: [Transcript nextPutAll: '.'; flush].

This will fork a process that waits 5 seconds and then will display the
message box.  While that process is waiting the code bellow will continue to
run and print a bunch of periods in the Transcript window.  I think this
concept will help you accomplish what you are looking to do.

Good luck,

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Re: Something like Timer Control in VB

Germán S. Arduino
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-18
Sorry Ian, You are right!

Timer is a control that permit work and run code at some time intervals.

By example, I need to develop a chronometer (don´t know if it's the right
I'm from Argentina and my english isn't so good).


"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje

> Germán,
> > I'm trying to make an app in Dolphin, and need something like the Timer
> > Control of VB, how I can solve this in Dolphin.
> It might be better to describe what you actually want to do in Dolphin.
> There are bound to be some poor uneducated souls out there who haven't had
> the pleasure of using VB (like me :-)) and therefore don't know the
> capabilities of it's Timer Control.
> Ian

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Re: Something like Timer Control in VB

Germán S. Arduino
In reply to this post by Christopher J. Demers
Thanks Chris!

I will try.


"Christopher J. Demers" <[hidden email]> escribió en el
mensaje news:ao21r4$ihors$[hidden email]...
> Germán S. Arduino <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:ao1qrp$ikgk3$[hidden email]...
> > Hello:
> >
> > I'm trying to make an app in Dolphin, and need something like the Timer
> > Control of VB, how I can solve this in Dolphin.
> It has been some time since I have used the Timer control in VB, so my
> memory of it may not be accurate.  If I recall correctly you set an

> and it runs some code at that interval.
> In Smalltalk you could do something similar using Delay.
> [(Delay forSeconds: 5) wait.
> MessageBox  notify: 'Done!'] fork.
> 1000 timesRepeat: [Transcript nextPutAll: '.'; flush].
> This will fork a process that waits 5 seconds and then will display the
> message box.  While that process is waiting the code bellow will continue
> run and print a bunch of periods in the Transcript window.  I think this
> concept will help you accomplish what you are looking to do.
> Good luck,
> Chris