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Bernat Romagosa
Hi all!

I'm developing a Seaside app that needs to retrieve a translation from google translator, so I thought I'd use Soup.

So i go like:

aSoup := Soup fromUrl: '<a href="|ca|">|ca|'

but i find that the fetched string is a bit different from the actual source code i can see in Mozilla...

results := aSoup findAllTags: [:aTag |
aTag name = 'span' and:
[(aTag attributeAt: 'id') asString beginsWith: 'result_box']].

results contains the correct tag, but the tag contains an empty string, instead of the translation (it holds the translated string when I check the HTML source in firefox)

Any ideas? I find it really awkward, I've worked with soup before and never had such problem... so I'm kinda clueless.

Sorry if the question is a bit off-topic (not exactly a Seaside issue...), I just guessed that a lot of seasiders sure must have dealt with Soup quite a few times :)


Bernat Romagosa.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Soup

Lukas Renggli
2009/12/8 AxiNat <[hidden email]>:

> Hi all!
> I'm developing a Seaside app that needs to retrieve a translation from
> google translator, so I thought I'd use Soup.
> So i go like:
> aSoup := Soup fromUrl: '|ca|'
> but i find that the fetched string is a bit different from the actual source
> code i can see in Mozilla...
> results := aSoup findAllTags: [:aTag |
> aTag name = 'span' and:
> [(aTag attributeAt: 'id') asString beginsWith: 'result_box']].
> results contains the correct tag, but the tag contains an empty string,
> instead of the translation (it holds the translated string when I check the
> HTML source in firefox)
> Any ideas? I find it really awkward, I've worked with soup before and never
> had such problem... so I'm kinda clueless.
> Sorry if the question is a bit off-topic (not exactly a Seaside issue...), I
> just guessed that a lot of seasiders sure must have dealt with Soup quite a
> few times :)

Luckily I could avoid it in the past 8 years :-)

I don't have a solution for your particular problem, but using the
Google JSON API and the JSON parser that comes with Seaside 3.0 this
works really well. I followed the instructions given here:

  url := WAUrl absolute:
  url addParameter: 'langpair' value: 'de|en'.
  url addParameter: 'q' value: 'Wenn wir uns selbst fehlen, fehlt uns
doch alles.'.
  response := JSJsonParser parseStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet: url printString).
  ((response at: 'responseData') at: 'translatedText')

The above workspace code doesn't deal with encodings (that would have
to be fixed), but it basically works.


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Soup

In reply to this post by Bernat Romagosa

Lukas solution is far more better. But Soup should work too. Did you pass the string to translate because|fr| is the default url and translation is done by "ajax" on the fly. Otherwise, the string to translate is encodeed at the end of the url. 

For instance, try with|fr|a%20string%20to%20translate ?



2009/12/8 AxiNat <[hidden email]>
Hi all!

I'm developing a Seaside app that needs to retrieve a translation from google translator, so I thought I'd use Soup.

So i go like:

aSoup := Soup fromUrl: '|ca|'

but i find that the fetched string is a bit different from the actual source code i can see in Mozilla...

results := aSoup findAllTags: [:aTag |
aTag name = 'span' and:
[(aTag attributeAt: 'id') asString beginsWith: 'result_box']].

you can also search for span whose title are each line you want to translate.

results contains the correct tag, but the tag contains an empty string, instead of the translation (it holds the translated string when I check the HTML source in firefox)

Any ideas? I find it really awkward, I've worked with soup before and never had such problem... so I'm kinda clueless.

Sorry if the question is a bit off-topic (not exactly a Seaside issue...), I just guessed that a lot of seasiders sure must have dealt with Soup quite a few times :)


Bernat Romagosa.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]


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Re: Soup

Bernat Romagosa

Thank you very much, Lukas' solution is working :)

Cédrick, I forgot to add the string to be translated in the e-mail, but I was using it in the original code hehe


2009/12/8 Cédrick Béler <[hidden email]>

Lukas solution is far more better. But Soup should work too. Did you pass the string to translate because|fr| is the default url and translation is done by "ajax" on the fly. Otherwise, the string to translate is encodeed at the end of the url. 

For instance, try with|fr|a%20string%20to%20translate ?



2009/12/8 AxiNat <[hidden email]>
Hi all!

I'm developing a Seaside app that needs to retrieve a translation from google translator, so I thought I'd use Soup.

So i go like:

aSoup := Soup fromUrl: '|ca|'

but i find that the fetched string is a bit different from the actual source code i can see in Mozilla...

results := aSoup findAllTags: [:aTag |
aTag name = 'span' and:
[(aTag attributeAt: 'id') asString beginsWith: 'result_box']].

you can also search for span whose title are each line you want to translate.

results contains the correct tag, but the tag contains an empty string, instead of the translation (it holds the translated string when I check the HTML source in firefox)

Any ideas? I find it really awkward, I've worked with soup before and never had such problem... so I'm kinda clueless.

Sorry if the question is a bit off-topic (not exactly a Seaside issue...), I just guessed that a lot of seasiders sure must have dealt with Soup quite a few times :)


Bernat Romagosa.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]


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