SourceManager syntaxColorOfScript

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SourceManager syntaxColorOfScript

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Blair,

Is there a recent outstanding issues list available anywhere?

A chunk format script is giving a walkback in

An example is to paste the following into a package script:

!Animal methodsFor!
^#foo! !
!Animal categoriesFor: #foo!public! !

Switching the offending #fileInFrom: argument from "source" to "filer" fixes

I think this has been report or at least is related to previously reported

Creating accessors in a class without an "accessors" method category fails
to refresh the category tree.

It also fails to refresh when dropping a method from another class.

In a Browser's method workspace, should the Refactorings context menu
command "Rename Temporary..." be renamed to "Rename..." as it can be used to
rename both temporaries and parameters.

The "Create Class..." Dialog gives a ChooseClassDialog dnu #onClassSelected
walkback when the "..." button is pressed.


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Re: SourceManager syntaxColorOfScript

Blair McGlashan
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi Blair,
> Is there a recent outstanding issues list available anywhere?

Not at the moment, I will try to post when up if I get a little time later.

> =====
> A chunk format script is giving a walkback in
> SourceManager>>syntaxColorOfScript:

Thanks, #888

> =====
> I think this has been report or at least is related to previously reported
> issues:
> Creating accessors in a class without an "accessors" method category fails
> to refresh the category tree.
> It also fails to refresh when dropping a method from another class.


> =====
> In a Browser's method workspace, should the Refactorings context menu
> command "Rename Temporary..." be renamed to "Rename..." as it can be used
> rename both temporaries and parameters.

That just happens to be the name of the refactoring.

> =====
> The "Create Class..." Dialog gives a ChooseClassDialog dnu
> walkback when the "..." button is pressed.

The class is, for some reason, incomplete. Also the
ChoosePackagedClassDialog (supposed to be used in DSE and DPRO) is missing,

