Speaking of Tools

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Speaking of Tools

Charles Adams
Recently, I found an abandoned length of track in the Store.UISettings area. I found a way to get the version history graph to be oriented vertically instead of horizontally.
The quick and dirty way is to execute this:
(Store.UISettings preferenceModelFor: #versionManagerView) value: #indentedPresentation
There is support for getting this onto the Store.UISettings tool, but the code has been commented out. Anyway, the resulting view makes a lot more sense. You can see much more of the tree and it is in a more traditional layout.
I haven't looked yet, but maybe the RBConfigurableFormatter actually does support the rules I want but the code has just been commented out. Travis, you can be the hero just for removing some comment characters. :)
Charles Adams   
Adventa Control Technologies, Inc.
3001 E. Plano Parkway, #100 
Plano, TX 75074-7422 
Office: 972.543.1688
FAX: 972.633.9317
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