Spec Drag n Drop

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Spec Drag n Drop

Marion Noirbent
I would try to integrate the exemple Drag n Drop from
http://spec.st/docs/drag_n_drop/ at the tutorial Building UI with Spec,
so I have create a class in Pharo to try them and modify the code.

I have found some of problems, I'm not sure if it come from strange
configuration (i think about dragTransformationBlock: ), but it appear
on the both version (my class and the original code).


Deplace the 'c' in the list of int, try to replace the 'c' in the list
of char
Error "nil not found in Orderred Collection"
- Proceed don't remove the c from the list and make arrives a nil, like
in the result deplaceReplaceC.png
- Abandon seems work well, but the next refreshing of the list (by
another move) make the nil appear too

Deplace the 3 in the list of char, try to replace the 3 in the list of
int (at its place)
Error " '3' not found in Orderred Collection"
- Proceed duplicate the 3 gives the result DuplicateNumber.png
- Abandon affect all number after the place, they "become" the previous
number (BadNumber.png). Try to move the 4 make an error because it don't
found 3, try to move the 5 make move the 4.

Deplace all items the list of int in the other
Try to move the 'a' in the empty list of int
Error "SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0"
- Proceed remove the a from the list, but don't make it appear
- Abandon seems work well

StAndResult.zip (23K) Download Attachment