Spec + Graphics?

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Spec + Graphics?

Dan Wilczak

I'm interested in using Pharo to create a simulation with animated 2-D
output. The user can start/stop the simulation, change display modes, zoom
and out, and change various settings during operation. That means that, in
to a graphical pane, I need a menu bar or maybe a panel of buttons which
popup windows.

Can I use Spec for such a thing? I don't see any way to embed a graphical
pane in
a Spec application. The Spec examples don't include one either.

Secondly, if it is possible to use Spec, what would you recommend for the
Bloc and Sparta look very appealing but aren't officially released yet. The
long-term futures of the other options aren't clear to me.

Dan Wilczak

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Re: Spec + Graphics?

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Dan Wilczak wrote
> I'm interested in using Pharo to create a simulation

Sounds like a cool project!

Dan Wilczak wrote
> Can I use Spec for such a thing?

Yes, for the vanilla parts you described e.g. toolbar

Dan Wilczak wrote
> I don't see any way to embed a graphical
> pane in a Spec application

There is a Morphic adapter, but I don't have an image at hand to give you
more detail.

Dan Wilczak wrote
> Bloc and Sparta look very appealing but aren't officially released yet.

Yes, ATM Morphic is the standard option. Hopefully, Bloc will be ready to
replace it soon.

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Re: Spec + Graphics?

Dan Wilczak
Thanks, Sean!  I think I've found the adapter you referred to - MorphicTickingWindowAdapter. It seems that TickingSpecWindow and TickingWindowModel would be used in conjunction with it.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 11:13 PM Sean P. DeNigris via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dan Wilczak wrote
> I'm interested in using Pharo to create a simulation

Sounds like a cool project!

Dan Wilczak wrote
> Can I use Spec for such a thing?

Yes, for the vanilla parts you described e.g. toolbar

Dan Wilczak wrote
> I don't see any way to embed a graphical
> pane in a Spec application

There is a Morphic adapter, but I don't have an image at hand to give you
more detail.

Dan Wilczak wrote
> Bloc and Sparta look very appealing but aren't officially released yet.

Yes, ATM Morphic is the standard option. Hopefully, Bloc will be ready to
replace it soon.

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Re: Spec + Graphics?

Sean P. DeNigris
Dan Wilczak wrote
> I think I've found the adapter you referred to

I think you send #asSpecAdapter to your Morph, which returns an instance of
MorphicGenericAdapter. HTH

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Re: Spec + Graphics?


> On 2 Dec 2018, at 02:19, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dan Wilczak wrote
>> I think I've found the adapter you referred to
> I think you send #asSpecAdapter to your Morph, which returns an instance of
> MorphicGenericAdapter. HTH

Yes, you can add any morph to a spec presentation by sending #asSpecAdapter.


> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html