Spec SDL2 Bridge Help

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Spec SDL2 Bridge Help

Rob Rothwell

I'm not sure if I'm right, but it looks like with Spec and SDL2 it is almost possible to compose native UI widgets from Pharo.

This is very interesting to me, and I would like to volunteer as a laborer if someone could show me what to do.  Obviously, a lot of the work would just be wrapping Spec around the platform API calls, which I imagine would [mostly] be a lot of trudging (once you knew what you were doing).

If anyone knows what needs t be done (I really don't even know where to begin), and would be willing to mentor me, I would be very willing to do a lot of that grunt work.  I've poked around in F-Script enough to know how to research Mac API calls, and there was a time in my VisualBasic days that knew how to do the same in Windows.

I'm pretty good at slogging through things that just need to be done if I know what to do, but I would really need help getting started.

Perhaps things aren't quite ready for this yet, but if and when they are and sheer (boring!) effort is needed, please feel free to contact me.

Take care,
