Spec model attributes - is there a strategy

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Spec model attributes - is there a strategy

I was wondering about how the attributes of Spec models are decided on.

Why does LabelModel have no font attribute? It seems obvious to me that a label should have a font. Why should LabelModel have no font attribute but an emphasis attribute? Why are we able to specify a font for a header in TreeColumnModel but not for the text in a TextInputFieldModel?  Is there some deep philosophical reason behind this that I don't understand?

It seems to me that Spec produces interfaces that look like the pharo interface. Spec does not give you control over fonts and colours. But if you want to write an application you might well want a particular Look and Feel. Spec currently doesn't seem to allow this - you would have to fall back on to simple Morphs.

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Re: Spec model attributes - is there a strategy

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)
On 16 Feb 2014, at 14:47, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Is there some deep philosophical reason behind this that I don't understand?

The reason is simply that it was not needed until now, so not yet implemented :)

> Spec does not give you control over fonts and colours.

One should be able to specify a spec model color.
Now, I am not sure the adapters take this attribute into account.

> But if you want to write an application you might well want a particular Look and Feel.

I do agree :)
