Spec way to embed something into Scrollable Wrapper

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Spec way to embed something into Scrollable Wrapper

Peter Uhnak

is there a Spec way to take something and embed it into scrollable pane?

I haven't seen anything like that in Spec itself (List/Tree that has scrollbar has it on Morphic side);
but maybe there is a way to embed Spec inside some Morph and then embed the Morph back into Spec?

Obviously that's awful, but if someone can point me to a Morphic solution I could try to make a Spec adapter for it.


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Re: Spec way to embed something into Scrollable Wrapper

Here's my widget (Spec model + adapter): spec_widget_list.zip.
Vertical scroll only.
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Re: Spec way to embed something into Scrollable Wrapper

Nevermind, actually its both (vertical and horizontal) scrolling