Spec: why is title on the class side for a ComposableModel

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Spec: why is title on the class side for a ComposableModel

Why is the title of the ComposableModel on the class side?

That's annoying if I need multiple windows each having a different
title when I do an openWithSpec.


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Re: Spec: why is title on the class side for a ComposableModel

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)
Title is defined on both side.

By default the instance side method points to the class side method.
But you can override the instance side method without any problem :)
(by example DualChangeSorterApplication redefine title according of the instance)


PS: if your title is dependent of the state of your model (by example


^ self selectedMethod selector

you can use 
self updateTitle

to update the title)

On Feb 18, 2013, at 10:18 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

Why is the title of the ComposableModel on the class side?

That's annoying if I need multiple windows each having a different
title when I do an openWithSpec.
