it is my understanding that I should be able to change table layout properties with stuff like cellPositioning: / listCentering: / etc.
However nothing I do have any change.
Am I using it incorrectly, or is this not (properly) implemented?
example: (the cell content is placed in #topLeft despite specifying positioning and centering)
|ui layout|
ui := DynamicComposableModel new.
ui instantiateModels: #(
cell11 LabelModel
cell12 LabelModel
cell21 LabelModel
cell22 LabelModel
ui cell11 label: '1-1'.
ui cell12 label: '1-2'.
ui cell21 label: '2-1'.
ui cell22 label: '2-2'.
layout := SpecTableLayout column
cellPositioning: #center;
listCentering: #bottomRight;
newRow: [ :r | r
add: #cell11;
add: #cell12 ];
newRow: [ :r | r
add: #cell21;
add: #cell22];
ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.