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Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
For those interested, my implementation of the SplitMix64 pseudo-random
number generator.

Useful if you need to generate pseudo-random big integers (up to 2^64).


Beno??t St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
GitHub: bstjean
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

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Re: SplitMix64


On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 4:04 AM Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
For those interested, my implementation of the SplitMix64 pseudo-random
number generator.

Useful if you need to generate pseudo-random big integers (up to 2^64).


Can we add this to our RNG collection in PolyMath ?
Thank you.

Beno??t St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
GitHub: bstjean
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
niversity of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."
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Re: SplitMix64

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Of course !!!

On 2019-10-25 04:57, Serge Stinckwich wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 4:04 AM Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
For those interested, my implementation of the SplitMix64 pseudo-random
number generator.

Useful if you need to generate pseudo-random big integers (up to 2^64).


Can we add this to our RNG collection in PolyMath ?
Thank you.

Beno??t St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
GitHub: bstjean
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)
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Re: SplitMix64

In reply to this post by SergeStinckwich
Can you add a MIT licence to you code ?

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 10:00 AM Benoit St-Jean <[hidden email]> wrote:

Of course !!!

On 2019-10-25 04:57, Serge Stinckwich wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 4:04 AM Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
For those interested, my implementation of the SplitMix64 pseudo-random
number generator.

Useful if you need to generate pseudo-random big integers (up to 2^64).


Can we add this to our RNG collection in PolyMath ?
Thank you.

Beno??t St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
GitHub: bstjean
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
​Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)​
​niversity of Yaoundé I​, Cameroon
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."