I think this is more of a Squeak Process question than an Aida question, but I'm not sure.
I am still trying to "Reverse Ajax" an application using Squeak and Aida.
Trust that I have a CustomAnnouncement that works.
I have an application, MyApp, with a 10 second Ajax resolution and a 1 second event resolution as follows:
e:=WebElement new.
e add: (self liveContent updateEverySeconds: 10).
self pageFrameWith: e title: 'My Application'.
simple enough. "Every 10 seconds do something."
Where, just to see something happening I have
self session lastRequest isAjaxRequest ifTrue:
[self waitForAnyChange].
e := WebElement new.
e addText: Time now printString.
Transcript show: 'live content';cr.
Not as simple to me. I expect my problem lies in not understanding self session lastRequest isAjaxRequest.
Anyway, I have
| count change |
count := 1. change := false.
CustomAnnouncement announcer subscribe: CustomAnnouncement do: [:ann | change := true].
[change not and: [count < 10]] whileTrue:
[(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
Transcript show: count; cr.
count := count + 1].
CustomAnnouncement announcer unsubscribe: CustomAnnouncement.
This "works" in that liveContent runs after count reaches 10 or is interrupted by CustomAnnouncement, but then there is an [Ajax?] delay of an additional 10 seconds (or whatever I send with updateEverySeconds: n) BEFORE my waitForAnyChange loop kicks off again.
How do I get the Ajax cycle to "refresh" so I can immediatly start waitForAnyChange after handling the annoucement, rather than having a full cycle of non-deferred waiting, because at that point you might as well just be using Ajax without trying to "Reverse" it at all...
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