Squeak in more than 8000 teachers and kids laptops, need for i18n

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Squeak in more than 8000 teachers and kids laptops, need for i18n

Hilaire Fernandes-5
Hello all,

For the second years, we will propose Squeak in the latptops the
teachers and  junior high school students receive each year in the
French adminstrative area of Landes (SW of France). More info about this
Laptop  operation at http://www.landesinteractives.net/ (English version
at http://www.landesinteractives.net/default.asp?cnf=2|)

Each year the notebooks are remasterized, this year we would like to
propose more Squeak components of interest for education as KEDAMA,
ODECo, Connectors, etc.

However we need to internationalize and translate in French these
packages. The CDDP des Landes and the FSUG/ESUG can do this but we need
to synchronize with the adminstrators of these packages because we need
to modify the source code.

In SqueakSource, I only found ODECo and its administrator Takashi
Yamamiya. What about KEDAMA (Yoshiki Ohshima?) and Connectors? Who are
the managers of these packages, we need to check with you to propose the
modifications for mainstream.

We have a page to keep notes

Hilaire Fernandes

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