SstEndpointUnreachableError(ECONNREFUSED (10061): Connection refused

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SstEndpointUnreachableError(ECONNREFUSED (10061): Connection refused

VA Smalltalk experts:

I executing a SstHttpClient fetch: aUrl

I have no problems until the services are down on this particular server and we get a walkback: SstEndpointUnreachableError(ECONNREFUSED (10061): Connection refused

Is there a way to handle the error without a walkback?

Thanks for any help.

Steve Ripley

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Re: SstEndpointUnreachableError(ECONNREFUSED (10061): Connection refused


I'm reviewing the stack trace and I understand that that the Sst connections will need to be closed. 
synchronizer critical: [ self basicSend: httpMessage to: originServerUrl ignoringResponseContent: noContents ]
The signal returned is  
self raise: ExSstNonFatalError
I would like to be able to capture that error and keep on going. I've tried some exception handling around SstHttpClient fetch: aUrl without success.

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