Startup weekend success

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Startup weekend success

Stephan Eggermont-3
In the weekend of 20 Feb. Diego Lont and I participated in Startup Weekend Eindhoven. As we expected, the rapid development made possible by the combination of Seaside on Pharo made it possible for us to develop a convincing demonstration in two days. The "Parent Support" app, an idea presented on friday night by Liesbeth Vriens, was converted by us into a combination iPhone app and web application in the two following days. This together with the business plan developed with Dolf Wittkämper were presented by Liesbeth on sunday evening in an award-winning 3-minute pitch. The jury awarded us the innovation price.

Stephan Eggermont_______________________________________________
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Re: Startup weekend success

post links to the videos!

hey... now you can pitch in angel list and get in business :)

congrats guys

On Feb 28, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:

In the weekend of 20 Feb. Diego Lont and I participated in Startup Weekend Eindhoven. As we expected, the rapid development made possible by the combination of Seaside on Pharo made it possible for us to develop a convincing demonstration in two days. The "Parent Support" app, an idea presented on friday night by Liesbeth Vriens, was converted by us into a combination iPhone app and web application in the two following days. This together with the business plan developed with Dolf Wittkämper were presented by Liesbeth on sunday evening in an award-winning 3-minute pitch. The jury awarded us the innovation price.

Stephan Eggermont_______________________________________________
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Re: Startup weekend success

Yanni Chiu
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
On 28/02/11 9:33 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:

> In the weekend of 20 Feb. Diego Lont and I participated in Startup
> Weekend Eindhoven. As we expected, the rapid development made
> possible by the combination of Seaside on Pharo made it possible for
> us to develop a convincing demonstration in two days. The "Parent
> Support" app, an idea presented on friday night by Liesbeth Vriens,
> was converted by us into a combination iPhone app and web application
> in the two following days. This together with the business plan
> developed with Dolf Wittkämper were presented by Liesbeth on sunday
> evening in an award-winning 3-minute pitch. The jury awarded us the
> innovation price.

Great news!!!

A bunch of questions, I'll ramble off...

- was that the whole team - the four of you?
- was Diego a Smalltalker too; did you meet at the event or did you know
each other beforehand?
- was there anything in particular that led you to build the "Parent
Support" app instead of joining another group (i.e. was the app well
suited to Seaside/Pharo)?
- did you prepare a "kit" for the event (i.e. all the frameworks you
thought you'd need, already loaded in an image)
- what were other groups using (especially the runner's up)

Great win for Seaside/Pharo!

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Re: Startup weekend success

Sven Van Caekenberghe
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3

On 28 Feb 2011, at 15:33, Stephan Eggermont wrote:

> In the weekend of 20 Feb. Diego Lont and I participated in Startup Weekend Eindhoven. As we expected, the rapid development made possible by the combination of Seaside on Pharo made it possible for us to develop a convincing demonstration in two days. The "Parent Support" app, an idea presented on friday night by Liesbeth Vriens, was converted by us into a combination iPhone app and web application in the two following days. This together with the business plan developed with Dolf Wittkämper were presented by Liesbeth on sunday evening in an award-winning 3-minute pitch. The jury awarded us the innovation price.

Very nice!

Any change you will be writing a blog post or article with some more details ?


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Re: Startup weekend success

Intrader Intrader
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
Stephan , where can I see the site or presentation?

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Re: Startup weekend success

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
Yanni asked:
>- was that the whole team - the four of you?

Yes. This startup weekend was about a hundred participants.
On friday evening, there were some 45 pitches, of which 12 were
chosen to be developed further. Some of them had a product ready
and needed a marketing plan, others were just an idea. Ours was
just an idea.

The groups had different sizes, ours was one of the smallest.

>- was Diego a Smalltalker too; did you meet at the event or did you know
>each other beforehand?

The past year I've worked with Diego a few days a week on a
GLASS site. We thought most of what we have build to be reusable in
other startups, and wanted to verify that hypothesis.

>- was there anything in particular that led you to build the "Parent
>Support" app instead of joining another group (i.e. was the app well
>suited to Seaside/Pharo)?

It was a combination of factors that made this the right project.
There were two or three other proposals that would have been
a better technology fit (no iPhone app needed) but were not
as inspiring. This pitch was well liked by the audience, it had a
very recognizable problem that was neither trivial nor extremely
difficult to approach, and one that Diego and I both experience.
The people in the team were all experienced and we had the
right 'click'.

>- did you prepare a "kit" for the event (i.e. all the frameworks you
>thought you'd need, already loaded in an image)

We prepared a kit. We even did some work the week before to get
a faster start with our domain model (naked objects style).

>- what were other groups using (especially the runner's up)

Lots of Keynote, Flash and Powerpoint, iPhone and iPad apps,
RoR, development outsourced to china, Wistia, different clouds.

The overall winner had a water producing windmill (by condensating,
not the traditional ones) and needed a good marketing plan.

The 'first to reach a million' was an iPad cash register (and some integration

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Re: Startup weekend success

Yanni Chiu
On 28/02/11 7:07 PM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
> Yanni asked:
>> - was that the whole team - the four of you?
> Yes. This startup weekend was about a hundred participants.
> On friday evening, there were some 45 pitches, of which 12 were
> chosen to be developed further. Some of them had a product ready
> and needed a marketing plan, others were just an idea. Ours was
> just an idea.

Thanks for the answers. Looking forward to any other writings you post
on the experience.

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