State of PharoConf videos

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State of PharoConf videos

Stephan Eggermont-3

I'm very happy to see that the initiative to make video recordings
of the PharoConf and MooseDay has resulted in so many
screencasts already published. Great work!

And now the first feedback:
- Format conversion: 62 of 72 GB done, processing the whole weekend.
- First 13 minute part currently encoding and uploading.
  Still about an hour and a half to go.
- I would like to receive the presentation files to combine them
  with video.
- Some of the material is difficult to use. Zoomed out too much
  it is difficult to follow the speaker and the beamer screen is not
  readable. Combining a screencast with the video only makes
  sense when zoomed in (talking head size).

Why does this take so long?
- the video is in a format that I cannot work with directly, so needs transcoding.
  I have been using VideoMonkey for this, which is based on ffmpeg. I have
  the impression that this ffmpeg is not using the GPU, but only the i5.
  I'm open for suggestions on better software for this in the future, as it takes the
  whole weekend.
- I switched from iMovie to Final Cut Pro X. That allows non-linear editing,
  so I don't have to wait for rendering to cut the movies. It remains responsive
  even during the format conversion.
- video is much larger than the equivalent length of screencast. That creates
  a upload bottleneck. 13 minutes of HD video is 733 MB. My home upload is
  1Mbps (2 hours), so for uploading more material I'll ask someone at our
  local university.
- I'm spending a limited amount of time during the weekend (and none next week).


Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: [Pharo-project] State of PharoConf videos

Thanks Stephan!

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm very happy to see that the initiative to make video recordings
of the PharoConf and MooseDay has resulted in so many
screencasts already published. Great work!

And now the first feedback:
- Format conversion: 62 of 72 GB done, processing the whole weekend.
- First 13 minute part currently encoding and uploading.
  Still about an hour and a half to go.
- I would like to receive the presentation files to combine them
  with video.
- Some of the material is difficult to use. Zoomed out too much
  it is difficult to follow the speaker and the beamer screen is not
  readable. Combining a screencast with the video only makes
  sense when zoomed in (talking head size).

Why does this take so long?
- the video is in a format that I cannot work with directly, so needs transcoding.
  I have been using VideoMonkey for this, which is based on ffmpeg. I have
  the impression that this ffmpeg is not using the GPU, but only the i5.
  I'm open for suggestions on better software for this in the future, as it takes the
  whole weekend.
- I switched from iMovie to Final Cut Pro X. That allows non-linear editing,
  so I don't have to wait for rendering to cut the movies. It remains responsive
  even during the format conversion.
- video is much larger than the equivalent length of screencast. That creates
  a upload bottleneck. 13 minutes of HD video is 733 MB. My home upload is
  1Mbps (2 hours), so for uploading more material I'll ask someone at our
  local university.
- I'm spending a limited amount of time during the weekend (and none next week).


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