while implementing #states for some components, I encountered an oddity,
and I'm not sure if me or Seaside is missing something. Some components
share a common object containing context information (roughly comparable
with the Refactoring Browser's navigator state). And since the
components don't know of each other, they happily include the context
object when asked for #states.
However, #register: is implemented the following way:
WASnapshot>>register: anObject
anObject ifNotNil: [ self at: anObject put: anObject snapshotCopy ]
so the snapshot machinery will overwrite the previous snapshot of the
shared context again and again.
Since the application contains a lot of components, and the context
object is a bit heavy, I've tweaked #register: the following way:
WASnapshot>>register: anObject
anObject notNil ifTrue: [
self at: anObject ifAbsentPut: [ anObject snapshotCopy ]
is this a valid patch? Or will I run into troubles somewhere else?
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