Status of Helvetia and Language Boxes (by Renggli) on Pharo 3/4

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Status of Helvetia and Language Boxes (by Renggli) on Pharo 3/4

Graham McLeod
Hi All

I have recently revisited the work of Lucas Renggli on hosting embedded
DSLs in Pharo with Petit Parser, Helvetia and Language Boxes.
I know Petit Parser is in Pharo 3, and presumably 4, but does anyone
know the status / availability of Helvetia and Language Boxes with the
new releases?
Presumably updates would have been necessary because of new compiler,
handling of source and AST etc?

Information appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

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Re: Status of Helvetia and Language Boxes (by Renggli) on Pharo 3/4

Marcus Denker-4

> On 09 Feb 2015, at 18:43, Graham McLeod <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have recently revisited the work of Lucas Renggli on hosting embedded DSLs in Pharo with Petit Parser, Helvetia and Language Boxes.
> I know Petit Parser is in Pharo 3, and presumably 4, but does anyone know the status / availability of Helvetia and Language Boxes with the new releases?
> Presumably updates would have been necessary because of new compiler, handling of source and AST etc?
Yes, updates will definitely be needed.
But it should actually be easier to realise on top of the new infrastructure. E.g. we now generate byte code directly from the RB AST
and the compiler has a pluggable architecture to use PetitParser.

It would be a lot of work but definitely interesting.


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