Status of Marea?

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Status of Marea?

Hi everyone,

Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is this:

And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.

Any updates out there?



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Re: Status of Marea?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Hernán,

If I remember correctly, that was the last repo I used. I just tried to check in SmalltalkHub if there was a new repo but seems already down, so I can't check.
Also, none of my Marea images work anymore for me because latest OSX dropped 32 bits support. But I can look for the images and send it to you if you want. 

To bring it to latest Pharo I would think:

1) Update it to use latest Fuel version
2) Slots may have broken class proxies
3) Update Marea proxies to use the latest version of Ghost proxies (wherever that is)

As a side note, Marea would work much better these days because of the lazy become (AFAIK that is already in Cog since some time). 

Let me know if that helps,

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 5:25 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is this:

And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.

Any updates out there?



Mariano Martinez Peck
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Re: Status of Marea?

Hi Mariano!

Thank you for the very fast reply!
Yes, I have highSierra and Mojave was the last 32-bit supported so I can try the image if you send it to me.

I've been wondering if there's huge performance impact if I need to walk every node of a giant tree (like a phylogenetic tree) for some operations in my app.

Anyway I would love to check it out :)



El vie., 10 abr. 2020 a las 17:33, Mariano Martinez Peck (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
Hi Hernán,

If I remember correctly, that was the last repo I used. I just tried to check in SmalltalkHub if there was a new repo but seems already down, so I can't check.
Also, none of my Marea images work anymore for me because latest OSX dropped 32 bits support. But I can look for the images and send it to you if you want. 

To bring it to latest Pharo I would think:

1) Update it to use latest Fuel version
2) Slots may have broken class proxies
3) Update Marea proxies to use the latest version of Ghost proxies (wherever that is)

As a side note, Marea would work much better these days because of the lazy become (AFAIK that is already in Cog since some time). 

Let me know if that helps,

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 5:25 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is this:

And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.

Any updates out there?



Mariano Martinez Peck